Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Step Up The Beauty Routine !

Happy Wednesday !

The weather is getting so much better and I'm beginning to enjoy the summer . Summer always makes me think of make-up and beauty . You don't want to add too much and you don't want to go without . But women do get comfortable with their make-up as they get older.
By the time most women reach their 30's & 40's, they find a make-up routine they are comfortable with. But those fine lines and little wrinkles which keep unexpectedly popping up, here are small ways to correct those little mistakes you make ,so that those little lines look less unsightly.
Meghan Markle is 36 and yesterday as she attended an event at Buckingham Palace , her make-up was looking a bit over the top . So we do not want to make easy mistakes . Some tips below to remember :)

1. Skipping lip liner.
It tends to get a bad rap when it is used incorrectly and you see a noticeably obvious line around the mouth. If you use it correctly, it can prevent lipstick from smearing and bleeding. It can make lips that are thin or starting to lose collagen look fuller. Do use a lip liner with a neutral colored pencil, outline your lips and then be sure to fill in your whole pout with the pencil. Top it up with your favorite lipstick or lip gloss. Your lips will look sexier, fuller, and younger. And you can count on your lipstick lasting longer.

2. Not hydrating enough.
You have probably noticed your skin feels drier than it used to be 10 years ago. Dry skin grabs on to makeup much more, so that wrinkles and pores appear more obvious. The surface of the skin appears bumpy instead of smooth. Hydrated skin allows make-up to blend effortlessly and reflects light all of which makes skin appear younger.
Be sure to prep your skin before applying any make-up with a hydrating primer or balm that smooths skin. By using a primer you'll find you need to use less make-up and it all blends in well, and that your skin is plump with moisture. Don't forget to hydrate with beauty's longtime BFF, water. It benefits your skin from inside out!

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3. Liner and mascara under your eyes.
Focus on opening your eyes out with an eyelash curler. Then use your favorite mascara from root to tip to slowly help your eyes look more awake. If you want to add more definition with eyeliner, stick to the top lid alone. Consider using shades like chocolate brown or navy blue. Black is too harsh as you get older.

4. Not exfoliating weekly.
If you don't use a good face scrub weekly, the texture of your face is flaky and uneven. By removing the dead skin cells, the face looks brighter, more even tone, and you will have a natural glow. Whether you use a face scrub or a fruit acid exfoliate, or a hand held tool, it's essential for a radiant glowing make-up finish.

Hope you enjoyed these tips. Keep smiling and have an awesome day.

Love & Peace.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

June Favourites .. Three Delicious Wines !

Happy Sunday .. Happy Fathers Day :)

If you are a Dad , a Step- Dad , A Grand- Dad Happy Father's Day to you . It's a very special day .A dad is the first important male figure in your life , he represents strength ,courage, adventure  and fun . Dad's are generally less strict than Mum's so you can almost certainly get away with alot from Dad . So make it special for him . But mostly I want to say this to father's Children know their Mum's love is unconditional , is ever flowing and everlasting but Dad's you need to step up and tell your children how much you love them and what they mean to you . Children love their parents to the ends of the earth and back and as they get older they realise how much you mean to them . So Dad 's Cheers .. bring in the money , love your kids and treasure your wife . Life is short and we need to do our best for a better future self .

Dad's love wine , well some anyways so here are some good wine recommendations if your kids did not get you any ... Go buy yourself some and don't ever pity yourself . You are always loved .  Wine does make your night dreams sweeter . Three awesome wine choices .. Try them out

1. Oak Ridge Zinfandel .. where there is smoke there should be Oak Ridge Zin , it's big bold flavours of ripe dark fruits are a natural match for backyard grilling and barbecues . At 14.49 an absolute treat .
Image result for pic of oak ridge zinfandel

2.  Crimson Thread Red Blend .. medium bodied costs about 6.99 a California wine it will surprise and delight you . You will find luscious aromas of dark cherry and blackberry followed by tempting hints of brown sugar spice and supple notes of vanilla . With it's round velvety finish this red blend pairs well with chicken .

2. Olema Rose Cotes 3. Olema Rose Cotes De Provence ... at 16.99 it is a bit pricey but delicious .  It transports you to Southern France it is light and smooth and perfect with starters and salads .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Image result for inspirational quotes
Love & Peace 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Bullying Is Not Funny ... Parents Take Note !

Happy Wednesday !

The Trooping of Colour on Sunday to celebrate the Queen's 92nd Birthday was beautiful . I watched it keenly and one of the older guards falling off the horse would have been the only incident anyone really noticed . But the balcony scene was a little odd . I thought Meghan shoved right at the back was intentional and a statement she's not important .  What would have been appropriate if she was stood in the front row more towards the right after Kate & William just like Kate did when she first joined the family seven years ago . Harry and Meghan are still more important than some of the others who stood in the first row further along the line . Meghan and Harry were hardly noticeable and quite obscured . But again I don't think Meghan was dressed appropriately for the Birthday celebrations of the ageing Queen . Her dress was more suitable for a cocktail party off shouldered . I am not a fan of off-shouldered dresses. They look cheap and tacky .

Besides the Meghan thing , I was more appalled by the behaviour of seven year old Savannah Phillips . Covering the mouth of little Prince George who's only four is bad behaviour . She had the most spiteful look on her face as well while she shushed George . George appears to be a shy boy and the reason he's not opening out more is because he seems to be in alot of contact with this little bully . The very next day Kate took the children to watch Prince William play polo and this little bully Savannah Phillips was there as well and at one moment , pushed him down the hill. Poor little George went rolling down and lost the piece of paper in his hand as well . The mother of Savannah told her something but never bothered to go pick George up . If I was Kate I would Come down pretty hard on that evil looking girl . Don't allow George to be in a bully's company . This kind of behaviour is not funny and parents need to punish their children immediately , or else from small we are allowing them to go over the line . George has a look about him like he is very sad and doesn't seem to enjoy much . Being around all those children is not treating his gentle soul well.  I honestly feel he is being bullied alot . Kate & William like good Parents should look into this . Savannah Phillips has shown herself to be a bully ( horrid child ) and everyone has seen .

More pictures of George showed him to be playing with a toy gun . I think this is also inappropriate with all the violence spreading around London and England .. the young King to be should not play with weapons . My children have never been allowed toy guns . What would be a wonderful toy for him is a remote controlled helicopter .

Well the lesson in this blog is watch your children and don't allow bullying , it takes away a sense of importance for the person being bullied they get insecure , and have low self esteem . If you want to be a good parent please 24/7 watching your children . They deserve your undivided attention . Give your kids your time or frankly speaking don't have children . Kids should not be passed around ( day care from 7 am to 7 pm ) is disgraceful . If you can't manage without working well save that daycare money and try to do some kind of work from home . Buying and selling is an awesome business .  Get creative . No excuses .

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Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Monday, June 11, 2018

Packing For A Journey ? Some Essentials !

Happy Monday !

The weekend is over and Monday means back to the grind . But it's almost summer and the school vacation , well just the sunny weather and barbecues will put a smile on your face .If you are planning a summer break it's always handy to have a list at hand for what you need to pack .  Most important is a good night's rest this is key in keeping a youthful appearance and a good disposition. Nine hours is the ideal amount of sleep your body needs although somewhere between 6 and 8 on some days is perfectly adequate. Today's blog is going to feature the key essentials you need when you are packing for a journey. Being prepared and planning ahead of your journey makes the trip worry free. The key is to keep things simple and compact. Especially the essentials. These are a few things I don't leave my home without!

1. A good flight bag with your beauty essentials in travel sized products. A sleep mask, vitamin C,  earphones and hand cream.

2. A good zipped backpack for all your personal products. Conveniently sized to keep under your seat with lots of pockets to keep you organized.

3. A nice, soft neck pillow to make the journey easy.

4. A beautiful eye-catching watch so you don't need to take a lot of other jewelry.

5. A global compact universal  all-in-one travel power adapter for where ever your journey takes you.

6. A nice big travel wrap (thick) which can be used as a scarf or a blanket in one. Primark stocks some beautiful ones.

7. A good pair of earphones.

8. A memo holder / wallet to keep tickets, passport, cards, receipts in check along with a notebook and pen for jolting down stuff on the go!

9. Nice fluffy, cozy socks or slippers to keep you warm.

10. Travel smart toiletry bottle set, to fill with all your favorites from your medicine cabinet. Especially useful for your skin care routine.

11. Don't forget a currency app which should be downloaded on your phone to keep you in the know, really helpful when shopping abroad.

12. Last of all, a battery charger so you never run out when you are on the go!

Hope this is helpful for the journey and keeps you organized.

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A quote above which I love and wanted to share . Make your life and never give up .. Read my previous blog Suicide is Not The Answer ...

Thanks ...
Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Suicide Is Not The Answer .. My Thoughts !!

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day I hope you are feeling peaceful , happy and proud you made it, another day in this hard world .

I know I most often begin my blogs with Happy and the day of the week and as much as today has been a very good day I feel very sad . Just for the reason that these last weeks we have had so many suicides on the news . High profile people and what about so many others who never made the news and decided to take their life . It started with AVICII on the 20th of April which left me so shocked and sad , my heart is permanently broken that he never managed to see another way out . Kate Spade a fashion designer I loved her handbags, designs just everything about her . She decided to take the suicide route . So she had problems with her husband , she should have dumped him . My heart breaks because she has a child the same age as mine and nothing on earth would make me do that . Believe me it is not easy That line in her note to her daughter "ASK Daddy "is so poignant because Yes sometimes Daddies have a lot to answer for in making a mummy's life miserable ! The one thing a Man has to do is love , protect and cherish the mother of his children and Men are sometimes  so failing in that .  Most important is respect the mother of his child but NO my own experience is the father of my children failed that miserably he always sided against me with the children especially the eldest and many , many times I wished I was dead .  But I will survive and I will live as hard as it is . Kate Spade should have gone on for her daughter . I will always be there for my children no matter what and I will teach them values and lessons . It's a Mum's job no other work matches a Mum being there for her babies she chose to bring into this world .

Then another suicide hits the news it was the Queen of the Netherlands, her younger sister Ines who lives in Argentina at 33 years old hung herself . How tragic is that ? Surely she didn't lack for cash , if her sister is Queen ?? Something apparently troubled her , now no matter how much the Queen ( Maxima ) goes around pretending to be nice and caring , I'm always going to wonder Why she didn't know her sister was troubled and tried to help her . Is it because close family try to ignore and cover the fact that their loved one is struggling and going through emotional times ? We need help intervention for any person we know who's going through something , talk about it . I remember a saying from Alice In Wonderland the Mad Hatter asks Alice "Have I gone Mad ? "and Alice tells him "I'm afraid so. You are entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret . All the best people are . " Yes we are all a bit mad , crazy and we have issues don't be afraid to admit it . Seek help , talk about it .

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Then Yesterday in the morning I read about the suicide of Anthony Bourdain how shocked I was .. I still am he was such a nice likeable chap . He reminded me of Jeremy Clarkson who I also adore . he was such a great , talented chef and I loved his shows . But more so because he was also my Mum's favourite Chef , each time I called her she told me, I just saw a show of Anthony Bourdain and he cooked this and this :) and my Mum is dead now a while and each time I saw something of Anthony I thought of her . How shocked she would have been .  My Mum always said suicide is the coward's way out . I don't necessarily believe that , because to kill yourself it takes an enormous amount of courage. When we are low we find that courage because nothing else makes sense , we just do it and take the plunge !  I am completely against suicide I see it this way .. People at this low point are looking for a way out , they build their courage and commit to that thought I'm leaving this world . But when they die they forget it's just the human body that dies,  their soul living and thinking does not !!! They suddenly upon death realise OMG what have I done ??? No turning back now , buckets of regret for all left behind .  Believe me our Souls have a purpose and it's not the easy route Yes we are born again with all our same issues and problems we had before and we have to learn to struggle it out . We do not get an easy ride . We come back with all our same talents and gifts but again it's the cycle of growing up and reliving all our own problems the ones we had in our previous life . Before we come to this earth we see a plan of our life with God and we agree to it so Why on earth do we give up ?  God promises us if we live and cope with our struggles we will find a way he will always help us cope and make our life manageable . Don't give up .That is why we have ups and downs God helps us through to good times  because we endured those bad times . I sincerely believe I gave up on life in my past existence and I have come back to relive it all.  This time I am going to live to be old and go the natural way I have too . It's so fucking hard But I am going to do it . I wish I could have spoken to Avicii and all those others . Stay strong take control of your life make decisions good ones and tell people things they don't  want to hear . It's for their own good . Suicide is not the answer . Living is , Conquer it and when your soul returns it will come back very fortunate without worries or problems . I'm working towards that goal .. Live,  I must .. Stay blessed my lovelies .  Hugs for the souls lost not a day goes by I don't think of Avicii . My other thoughts rest with Kate Spade's daughter , Children who have lost a parent through suicide are at a higher risk of suicide themselves . Please never think about it . Seek help and live . Thank you for reading my blog and thoughts on Suicide .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace   

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Three Fashionable Outfits ..June Style !

Happy Wednesday !

Everybody loves a pair of black boots and I don't think there is anybody who doesn't have a pair. My favourite pair has some embroidery at the top. It's very unique because I know it was a one off piece I bought from Italy. I love it and wear it to death. Here I have featured a pair of boots available at the shop, which is super cute and I have styled it with three different outfits to give you an idea on some different styles with a pair of black boots. I personally love floral and the rock chic, they are my two favourites which I rock depending on how I feel when I wake up. It's almost summer but the black boots can still be used ... the joys of living in Europe it still gets chilly :)

1. Black boots / 69 AUD /
2. Green floral panel dress / 20 pounds /
3. Golden crystal statement choker / 15 dollar /
4. Bracelet set / 8.48 dollars /
5. Black stripe romper / 22 dollar /
6. Dip dye faux fur vest / 48 dollars /
7. Feather choker / 5.30 pounds /
8. floral skater skirt / 12 pounds /
9. crop tank top / 10 dollars /
10. Textured clutch / 16 pounds /

A particular fashion quote from Alexander Wang which I love, thought I'd share it with you: ''Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.''

So whatever you do, don't get sloppy. Keep it stylish, focus on a pretty hair-do and some super slick red lippy to turn heads !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Gorgeous Swim Wear ... My Favourites !

Happy Sunday !

It's June ...Welcome Summer :) I have chosen three of my favourite swimsuits which look gorgeous and would make you feel like a celebrity . If you are looking for a new design to buy for this summer let my three choices inspire you to Wow at the beaches !

ASOS Plunge Ruched Front SwimsuitAsos Plunge Ruched Front Swimsuit .. Costs an affordable 20 pounds .
For Yummy Mummy's who are not confident about showing off their tummies this is the perfect swimsuit to show off your other gorgeous assets . White is the perfect colour for summer and if you are rocking a bit of a tan , this swimwear is bound to make you look even more stunning !

ASOS Contrast Mono Stripe SwimsuitAsos Contrast Mono Stripe Swimsuit ..costs an affordable 22 pounds ( GBP ) This is particularly beautiful because its vertical lines give you an illusion of having a longer silhouette and would make you appear slimmer while the  clenched in waist breaks up your body to emphasise your boobs . A style for any shape and size !

ASOS Gold Chain Eyelet Detail Plunge Halter SwimsuitAsos Gold Chain Eyelet Detail Plunge Halter Swimsuit costs a hefty 50 pounds but this one piece can last you a good few years and looks expensive with the chain detail . It covers up your midriff again but shows off your other parts tastefully . I love the chain detail on the hip area , it gives the suit an air of sophistication and would make you look adorable . It's definitely one to wear if you are going on holiday to some exotic location .

All three of these swimsuits are available online from Asos who is now doing a 50%  discount , so definitely a time to stock up on some gorgeous swim wear .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace