Saturday, June 9, 2018

Suicide Is Not The Answer .. My Thoughts !!

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day I hope you are feeling peaceful , happy and proud you made it, another day in this hard world .

I know I most often begin my blogs with Happy and the day of the week and as much as today has been a very good day I feel very sad . Just for the reason that these last weeks we have had so many suicides on the news . High profile people and what about so many others who never made the news and decided to take their life . It started with AVICII on the 20th of April which left me so shocked and sad , my heart is permanently broken that he never managed to see another way out . Kate Spade a fashion designer I loved her handbags, designs just everything about her . She decided to take the suicide route . So she had problems with her husband , she should have dumped him . My heart breaks because she has a child the same age as mine and nothing on earth would make me do that . Believe me it is not easy That line in her note to her daughter "ASK Daddy "is so poignant because Yes sometimes Daddies have a lot to answer for in making a mummy's life miserable ! The one thing a Man has to do is love , protect and cherish the mother of his children and Men are sometimes  so failing in that .  Most important is respect the mother of his child but NO my own experience is the father of my children failed that miserably he always sided against me with the children especially the eldest and many , many times I wished I was dead .  But I will survive and I will live as hard as it is . Kate Spade should have gone on for her daughter . I will always be there for my children no matter what and I will teach them values and lessons . It's a Mum's job no other work matches a Mum being there for her babies she chose to bring into this world .

Then another suicide hits the news it was the Queen of the Netherlands, her younger sister Ines who lives in Argentina at 33 years old hung herself . How tragic is that ? Surely she didn't lack for cash , if her sister is Queen ?? Something apparently troubled her , now no matter how much the Queen ( Maxima ) goes around pretending to be nice and caring , I'm always going to wonder Why she didn't know her sister was troubled and tried to help her . Is it because close family try to ignore and cover the fact that their loved one is struggling and going through emotional times ? We need help intervention for any person we know who's going through something , talk about it . I remember a saying from Alice In Wonderland the Mad Hatter asks Alice "Have I gone Mad ? "and Alice tells him "I'm afraid so. You are entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret . All the best people are . " Yes we are all a bit mad , crazy and we have issues don't be afraid to admit it . Seek help , talk about it .

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Then Yesterday in the morning I read about the suicide of Anthony Bourdain how shocked I was .. I still am he was such a nice likeable chap . He reminded me of Jeremy Clarkson who I also adore . he was such a great , talented chef and I loved his shows . But more so because he was also my Mum's favourite Chef , each time I called her she told me, I just saw a show of Anthony Bourdain and he cooked this and this :) and my Mum is dead now a while and each time I saw something of Anthony I thought of her . How shocked she would have been .  My Mum always said suicide is the coward's way out . I don't necessarily believe that , because to kill yourself it takes an enormous amount of courage. When we are low we find that courage because nothing else makes sense , we just do it and take the plunge !  I am completely against suicide I see it this way .. People at this low point are looking for a way out , they build their courage and commit to that thought I'm leaving this world . But when they die they forget it's just the human body that dies,  their soul living and thinking does not !!! They suddenly upon death realise OMG what have I done ??? No turning back now , buckets of regret for all left behind .  Believe me our Souls have a purpose and it's not the easy route Yes we are born again with all our same issues and problems we had before and we have to learn to struggle it out . We do not get an easy ride . We come back with all our same talents and gifts but again it's the cycle of growing up and reliving all our own problems the ones we had in our previous life . Before we come to this earth we see a plan of our life with God and we agree to it so Why on earth do we give up ?  God promises us if we live and cope with our struggles we will find a way he will always help us cope and make our life manageable . Don't give up .That is why we have ups and downs God helps us through to good times  because we endured those bad times . I sincerely believe I gave up on life in my past existence and I have come back to relive it all.  This time I am going to live to be old and go the natural way I have too . It's so fucking hard But I am going to do it . I wish I could have spoken to Avicii and all those others . Stay strong take control of your life make decisions good ones and tell people things they don't  want to hear . It's for their own good . Suicide is not the answer . Living is , Conquer it and when your soul returns it will come back very fortunate without worries or problems . I'm working towards that goal .. Live,  I must .. Stay blessed my lovelies .  Hugs for the souls lost not a day goes by I don't think of Avicii . My other thoughts rest with Kate Spade's daughter , Children who have lost a parent through suicide are at a higher risk of suicide themselves . Please never think about it . Seek help and live . Thank you for reading my blog and thoughts on Suicide .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace   

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