Monday, October 8, 2018

Delicious Black Bean Soup With Poached Eggs !

Happy Monday !

I am enjoying this series of Big Brother immensely it's fun , interesting and I like Lewis alot . He's intense thinks alot and definitely generous and kind . I would love him to win the show . I reckon the housemates feel threatened by him hence the nominations every week . Brooke has proved to be a snake she bitches about Lewis, nominates him then cosies up to him in bed , but that's one way of shooting yourself in the foot . Viewers will see her for the bitch she is ! Izzy should have gone in ahead of Sian who has absolutely brought us nothing , besides smoking like a chimney & we know everyone wants us to quit . She is dull but I have this intense gut feeling she is going to win the show ! Put a bet on it guys , could pay out something nice .  Lewis , Zoe or Akeem more worthy winners than her any day :)

Today I am going to share a recipe which I absolutely love , learnt it from a friend . It's delicious and healthy and you know how healthy is getting more and more important as I have kids and want the very best for them .  This amazing Black bean soup with poached eggs is easy and quick to make . Enjoy .

In a pan put 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil . Chop up a handful of celery , 3 pods of garlic  , 2 small onions a little bit of thyme and 2 bay leaves , 1 chilli chopped up add it all to the pan and saute  for a few minutes . Then chop up 2 bell peppers one red and one green into small pieces , throw in and continue to saute add your seasonings salt and pepper to taste. Get some coriander a small bunch break it in half the bottom half chop up and add to the pan . The top half will be used in a salsa to add over the soup as it's served up in the bowls .
To make the salsa chop up the coriander a small chilli and squeeze half a lemon on it and mix together with a couple of small cherry tomatoes chopped up .
Go back to your pan now add 2 cans of black beans and 500 ml of water to the pan and stir . Gently let it simmer for eight to ten minutes then get your hand blender and blend it up . When you have blended it , set it back on the hob and crack 3 eggs in and let it set for a couple of minutes . Remove from the heat and you are ready to serve . Top it with the salsa and enjoy . It's nutritious and seriously delicious . Enjoy it and get healthy. You could dunk some rice in it or have it with a tortilla so good !!!
Image result for pictures of black bean soup

Excitedly waiting for Friday the 12th ... it's Princess Eugenie's wedding will be watching it on telly . Heard the Duchess of Cornwall won't be attending ( that's Prince Charles's second wife :(  ) She has a prior engagement well I don't think she's going to be missed !!! Seeing as Fergie and Princess Diana were good friends , I don't think Fergie would like to see Camilla at her daughters wedding . Camilla is not actually popular although they keep forcing her on us . Absolutely not a fan . I wish Charles and Diana kept close like Fergie and Andrew . They are a smashing couple . Charles threw Diana out to the wolves long before their marriage ended sadly . Eugenie and Jack good luck for a long and happy marriage .

Have an awesome week and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

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