Friday, September 19, 2014

Topic of the Day :

Scotland Vote !

With bated breath I woke up this morning excited to see the outcome of the Scottish Voters . I did not want to see Scotland leave the Union with England . After all Scotland has been part of us for more than 300 odd years . Our ancestors had fought battles to unite England and Scotland and I'm sure with the exception of William Wallace all are looking down and smiling at the levelheadedness in the 55% who voted NO .
Okay so Alex Salmond has retreated to lick his wounds , well every year he can swim upstream to spawn :)
Scottish people are optimistic people naturally, they buy garden furniture ! But saying that I am very happy with the result I love my Scottish neighbours and together England and Scotland , Wales and Ireland stand strong . So Hip HIP Hurrah !

I wonder on the other hand for how many years does this Vote stand before they get together to try and re-vote for Independence ?  Does England never get a Vote ? Do we just have to stand back and allow people to vote out ? After so many countries getting Independence from the UK ,  our country once so strong "Britannia ruled the waves " now stands looking very alone ! I hope Scotland stays with us for another 500 years . Viva Britannia ,Long Live the UK.

Hope you all have a wonderful day #stayblessed

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