Friday, July 3, 2015

Dirty , Yellow , Rotten Teeth , British People Have .... And I Know The Reason WHY !!!

It's not an exaggerated statement , because if you are honest with yourself and you see a British person , the first thing you tend to notice about them when they smile is their horrible teeth !!
It has got nothing to do with the people alone but a situation that is highly absurd here in England and  in reality exists , no where else in the world !
If you are wondering what the hell I'm talking about , it's pretty easy ,the situation lies at the door of the DENTISTS !!
If you think it's only got to do with sugary sweets , fizzy drinks and an unhealthy attitude to mouth hygiene you would be wrong . Yes it is a combination of all those things but tell me who from around the world does not have sugary sweets , fizzy pop etc ..
Okay so everybody should be brushing their teeth twice a day .. because just as you would wash your dirty dishes after a meal you would also do the same for your teeth .  After a night in bed it's healthy to wash your mouth to freshen up and have good breath . Secondly it's healthy to use a mouth wash and  floss if you can though I seldom do that .. God's honest truth :)
Now why am  I laying the BLAME at the DOOR of the DENTISTS , it's easy every person should be attending and have a regular dentist .  I always did when I lived for donkeys years in the Netherlands . As soon as I came here I didn't get one because teeth are in good shape and I didn't feel I needed one as it's not covered by the NHS , like health & doctors where you would only be required to pay for your prescriptions at the pharmacy .
Here you would be required to pay for every trip to the dentist . So people in England who are extremely poor and badly off living hand to mouth , pay cheque to pay cheque and shamefully this country also boosts , having the higest number of millionaires living in LONDON . Yes extreme poverty and wealth blending together badly . So the majority of these people who cannot afford to entertain the thought of visiting a dentist when a more pressing bill needs to be paid .
Okay so paying a dentist , that is not the worst thing in the world because anywhere you go , if you visit a dentist you are going to get charged , Am I talking sense ?? Yes .. in the Netherlands it also costed money duh .. What is appalling about over here in England is you have to pay upfront in cash or with your pin-card or else you will not be attended too  !!
Now everywhere else in the world you get billed after your treatment is completed and the bill comes in the post and you pay it at the end of the month or you pay it off in two goes .
It seems like a very greedy , shady business run by dentists in the UK to only accept cash upfront or you are not going to be treated . Very Harsh !!
I am blogging about this subject because a friend of mine , has come down with severe tooth pain and is suffering all the dentists have refused treatment without cash upfront .. Very pathetic of these so called people , who are trying  to be in a profession that cares for peoples teeth . It seems to me like it is money making practice here and they are probably sliding half the cash into their own pockets  and not declaring it . Something needs to be done about this situation .
I personally went into a practice today to inquire if this cash upfront thing is really true , and the receptionist said yes , billing people is an old outdated practice . I told her OH Great , I am going to blog about this ..
So nobody's teeth here in England is important , cash in your money hungry dentists pockets is far more important .. he cant'wait to have your cash , and after the greedy bastard is paid you had better hope he does an efficient job on your teeth because he's just going to be laughing all the way to the bank , and your going to be a victim of his shoddy ways ,lol
Wonder no more about why all Brits are proud of their dirty yellow teeth ,  they have no other option !!

Love & Peace enjoy your weekend , just take good care of your own teeth at home , I do too . No bloody dentists for ME ! Keep smiling yellow teeth and all  ;)

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