Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ice-Cream In Five Minutes ?? Here's How ...

Happy Friday !! The heatwave is getting less intense and some thunder showers are threatening .. although it's still warm and positively glorious . The kids even had their school sports day today . Although why it's held on a Thursday , still brings me no answers !!
Should it not be just before the weekend like on a Friday so the kids can rest it out on Saturday morning after having an exhausting day today ! My son even did the mini marathon , my daughter the sack race the skipping race and the flats !! No they didn't  win any medals but they didn't come last either and they had a very enjoyable day . Tomorrow it's school again and two very tired children :(
So with all this warm weather ,I thought I'd blog on how to make ice-cream !! But NO this is not your standard method in making the stuff , this is a quick five minute method which is sure to excite you and your kids into try making it yourself !!
It is also an excellent way to use and teach someone about freezing points ,but it's also great if you are hungry and want to have some ice-cream , quick snap !
First put cream , sugar and vanilla in a plastic bag . Next put that bag into a bigger bag filled with ice and salt . Shake the bag vigorously for five minutes and hey presto !! Ice-cream :)
This works because the salt in the bag ,lowers the freezing point of the cream .
Thanks to the sandwich bag you don't have to worry about salty ice-cream ( unless that is what you want ! )
This is a great project to get your kids involved in ,  and show them how it's done !
Have an awesome day and keep smiling !!

Love & Peace

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