Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Happiness , Do We Own It Or Is Someone Else Responsible For It ?

Hello everyone , happy Tuesday !! It's been a very warm day in England , and even with all the windows open and a draft through the house , it's still warm . I'm not complaining dressed in a nice cool sundress ,my hair tied up in a top knot , nothing could stop me from enjoying the heat !
The news on telly is always so depressing , people getting killed , accidents on roller-coasters ,  terrorists , wars , guns . People are even getting afraid to travel  . A friend of mine asked me just today , are you planning on going somewhere for the summer ? I have always loved travelling and have been to so many places around the world . Somehow now I have lost all my desire to travel . I just want to be in my little village , safe and peaceful for the rest of my life , so no desire to travel anymore ! It's sad , but in this unsafe world we live in , better stay put where you feel safe .. that's my policy , for now !
But that's not the  topic of this blog , I just wanted to write about relationships ! Today the news broke that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have announced they are going to divorce after 10 years together and 3 children . In the old days people would have just stayed together , because they had children . Nowadays it's not a factor . Children just have to get used to the fact Mum & Dad are not a couple . Yes I was very shocked they are splitting up .  I thought they had a rock solid marriage ,just because they had 3 kids .Hey I was wrong .. but things are not all they seem and celebrity or not ,they are just as human as us common people with our petty money .
Why can't people stay together anymore for the children ? Why do they feel it's  okay to split up ? I have often thought about that . It's because we are less tolerating of anyone else , even if they are our partner . It's acceptable nowadays to be a single mother . Women like to be independent and men somehow forget this in their life that revolves mostly around themselves . They think the woman has got to listen to them , do as they ask , because somehow a woman can't be happy without a man in her life . When a woman is a mother ,kids become their priority and their first thought . If the husband does not fall into that thought , then ofcourse cracks are going to appear . No matter how much men profess to care about their kids , it doesn't strike me as true , because more often than not the woman is left shouldering the responsibility of the kids , when a marriage breaks down . Even when a man  does sometimes take on half the care , more often than not he will put his work responsibilities first before his children ,  often leaving them in the care of a babysitter , relatives etc ..
I am a single Mum with three kids , I often have men sending me friend requests on social networks . They always spin the same thing , they are looking for a nice woman to get to know better and they want to chat , chat , chat ... But I am not looking for a nice man to get know , I tell them . I am very happy in my life , I don't have to switch tv channels to please anyone  , I eat the food I want , I do things when I want . I only need a man who is rich who will be able to provide me with more than I have now  , so I say if you are not rich sorry you can get lost , I am not interested . Women make sacrifices if they know it will pay off in the long term . Like all those marriages in the olden days when wives stayed together with their men because the husbands worked and payed the bills , so the women put up with any shit  for the sake of the kids and having a roof over their heads . Yes I would put up with shit , if a man was taking care of all  my bills and providing for me , yes I would even look the other way if they had another women . It's hard times we live in and it's not easy being a single mother . But No I have no time to chat and pretend I'm looking out for happiness with some man who's poor and can't take care of me and my kids .  Then No I'm very happy taking care of my kids and looking after myself . Happiness comes from within . If you are not happy with yourself , No man can make you happy .
With that I end here . Hope you enjoyed reading this . Start with doing things to make yourself happy , even if it means it's not what others expect from you . All women are capable of being happy without some other person . Some other human can enhance your happiness but not supply it (happiness ) .

Keep smiling and have an awesome day !

Love & Peace

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