Thursday, June 11, 2015

She Went Naked !!!

It's Thursday , almost the weekend and that's a good thing !! Today as I heard all the news one story jumped out at me , and I decided it's going to be the subject of my blog today . Then later in the day I read another news item , Holly Madison's written a Memoir about her life with Hugh Hefner , and I wanted to write something about that .. I'm so torn , lol ...
I guess I will just save Holly's bit for another day ... let's get on with what made big news and came on National Telly , it's obviously more important than Holly's stuff "Down The Rabbit Hole " or more like "Up The Rabbit Hole " ;)
So this news item was about a young girl who has been arrested with some of her friends because she and some of the others posed naked on a mountain in Malaysia and posted these pictures online ,  and that's how all the trouble started . Tell me why would anyone  want to go pose naked on a mountain ? She obviously has issues !! HHHmmm young girl exhibitionism ?? It is stupid , first she is not in her home country , second if you are in an Asian country  ,  for God's sake respect their ancient rules and traditions . It is also not acceptable to go pose naked here in England , she could get arrested  . So why is she so surprised she's landed herself in trouble ? . I wonder if she ever thought how much better it would be , to go pose naked in Trafalgar Square !!! It's certainly a much more recognisable landmark than that Ancient Mountain in Malaysia  . I saw those pictures , not  special ! She should have got naked here in England if she actually wanted to do something brazen and stupid . Let's not forget her father who's about as dumb as her , posting a video saying "Why is she arrested everyone has the right to go naked , she's scared now of all  the consequence " I bet she wasn't scared getting butt naked . The Malaysian's  are rightly upset . A minister in Malaysia has also come out and said her actions caused the earthquake in Malaysia last week , YES , he did say it !!!! When travelling abroad , one should not forget themselves and let loose , if they wouldn't do something at home abstain from it abroad . Getting naked , if it's not in your own home , do not do it elsewhere . Maybe nobody wants to see your naked bits . Just reminds me of Big Brother going on right now on telly . That girl Harry walking around naked with all those camera's on her ,  it's not so pretty . All the men in the BB House feel uncomfortable around her . Not a very attractive sight :)
I have bought two lovely bikinis , now why did I do that ? I live more than 200 miles from any beach , and I don't plan to visit any beach this summer !!  So it was an impulse buy and I love impulse buys . They are so pretty . I wanted to take out some photos in them and post them but as it's silly , to just pose in your bikini in the house , I'm stumped . Maybe if I was bold and brazen I would just go to the  park and pose in my bikini ,  but I don't dare I could get arrested lol for public indecency ;)
Okay before this gets too long and you are so bored , I shall end here . Hope you enjoyed reading it . Keep smiling :)

Peace & Love

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