Friday, June 19, 2015

Living In The Past ?? It's The Here And Now , That's Important !!

Happy Friday and what a superb day it was !! Okay so it was busy but I loved every minute of it and yes I was happy , things are working out very well in my life and I feel grateful . Are there more people out there in the world with good things happening for them and they forget gratitude and thankfulness to God for giving them blessings however small ?
Gratitude for me , has always been a big thing and for every blessing received , I make sure to thank God for it , and feel the need to spread the word about gratefulness and thanking God for our blessings . If we don't do it , how on earth are we going to be able to spread the word of God and make people aware of being good = rewards from God !

Many times I read posts from people caught up in the past and all the good things that happened then and how wonderful it all was .. But life is a revolving circle and things move on from how it was , to new pastures .People they obviously didn't feel it was so great where they were , or else they would have stayed PUT and savoured all the boundlessness of all that was on offer . No people felt the world had more to offer them and they moved on from those pastures to new horizons and yet something must stir in them to still remember what was and hanker yet for the past , and talk about the old days and things that once were !!

I never look back , I made my choices and moved on and feel feel happy to live for the here and now and savour every moment and love everyone who crosses my path . No I don't want to talk about what was , but feel the awesomeness , of what is now ! We need to treasure more of our present , if we let go of the past , and live with our choices . Do we forget relatives , friends and loved ones because we live in years gone by ,and don't see the world in front of us , our relatives who are  still there and care about us ? No the human nature is to be lost in some dream world and miss our brightest stars still around us .

I somehow wanted to tie in a story that made press two days ago , the Mayor of London Boris Johnson , caught out , losing his cool with a taxi driver . The clip went viral and it made all the news . Yes the cars here in England feel they own the roads and the poor cyclists are at their mercy . It shouldn't be that way at all , Motorists should be giving way all the time to cyclists . If you travel in Europe , you will see Cars slowing down for cycles , even allowing them to cross roads and have priority . I lived for a very long time in the Netherlands and I am a very hesitant cyclist , but cars would give me right of way all the time, even though I waved them to go on  . Why are people in cars obsessed  with speed and power ?  We somehow always forget the other people that exist  . Selfishness is reaching new heights . I never ride a bicycle here in England and don't allow my eldest daughter to ride here , even though she is a proficient rider and has been riding since she was three years old . I am not outraged at Boris venting his frustration , he needs to do it . He has been trying to promote the usefulness of riding a bike , save your petrol money , get fit , be healthy , but his campaign is getting nowhere . People in cars feel they own the roads . They have power , It's an attitude that people are getting in all areas of life , be it big Company's , banks , local  government . People have forgotten to care about someone else's feelings . The present  , the here and now and what we can still do , to change our attitudes and be more loving , caring , happy and joyful . Stop living in the past , talk about what you can do to change the present to make the future kinder to our children , the future generation . Think about your role in the world .

Have an awesome weekend  . Hope you enjoyed reading this , stay blessed and keep  smiling .

Peace & Love

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