Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Father's Day ... Glad these Movie Dads Are Not Our Own !!

Hi Everyone , Good Morning from a still cold chilly England . Waiting for the next few days which promises to bring better weather and lots more sunshine . I hope you all had a lovely Father's Day and honoured your Dad's well if he was well deserving ! We all have Dad's who have their shortcomings and most of the time we try to overlook their faults and still think highly of them even though they might tend to forget us and our existence !!
I have made a list of Movie Dad's who are down right terrible , so we can be thankful that they are just movie imagination and not our real life role models .  With these examples of Dads we can still smile at our own dad's error's of judgement , quirky foolishness and still feel blessed to have the choice God gave us  .
The first Dad on the list and Better her dad than ours is The King of Arendelle " Frozen " he managed to give his daughter a lifetime of issues in a mere five minutes of screen time !!
Jack Torrance in " The Shining ", he was creepy remember him telling his son "we'll have the whole hotel to ourselves , it'll be fun " uugghhh ..
Thanos in " Guardians of the Galaxy " he clearly missed the parenting guides about not turning your kids into bionic weapons !!
John Milton in  " Devil's Advocate " It's hard to get worse than having a father who literally is the Devil  !!
Remember Mr Wormwood in "Matilda " ?  Well it is one of my favourite movies .. but what more can I say about him than he was such a bully !!
Then there's Bill from " Kill Bill : Vol 2 " serious question who let that guy adopt the child of the woman he tried to murder ?
Now there is Darth Vader from "Star Wars " pro tip dads , if you are ever in a conundrum , just ask yourself " What would Darth Vader do ? "and then do the exact opposite , because he's the worst :)
Okay we can't forget Lester Burnham from  " American Beauty " It's such a toss up which one is worse .. the one with the creepy sexual fixation on his teenage daughter's best friend  or ...
Colonel Fitts  also "  American Beauty " the violent , psychotic , homophobic with a collection of Nazi dishware !!
Last but not least is Vernon Dursley from " Harry Potter " not only was Vernon an abusive monster to poor Harry , but he didn't exactly  do a bang up , spot on job with his own biological child either !!

Yes these awful movie Dads really make us happy they are just fictional  and we have normal just stubborn dads in our own life :))

Have a wonderful day and hope you enjoyed reading this ... Keep smiling . Lots of love xoxo

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