Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Face Masks Day 1: Banana, Honey, Lemon Mask!

Happy Tuesday!

A nice cool glass of wine and a quote from Dan Aykroyd comes to mind, ''Wine represents to me sharing and good times and a celebration of life. It is always around happy occasions with family and friends and centered around joy. What better item to be involved in then something that represents all these wonderful things.''

As I sip my wine, Yes, I am a sipper - I'm relaxing and I have a face mask on! Yes, I like to take care of my face a couple of times a month I shall use a face mask. Today and the rest of the week I shall share my favorite face masks for you to try out and enjoy.

Remember to do a skin-patch test before you decide to put the face mask on.

Banana, honey, and lemon mask. Nourishes the skin and exfoliates dead skin cells. Perfect for oily skin.

1. 1/2 banana
2. 1 tsp. honey
3. A few drops of lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients until it's a smooth paste. Apply to the face, avoiding the eye area. Keep on for 10-15 min. Rinse with cool water. Use this face mask once a week.

Taking care of yourself is one of the basic steps to better self-esteem and self worth. Remember the Maybeline slogan, ''I'm worth it''? Though I think I'm definitely worth more than a 10 pound mascara lol..

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace!  

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