Friday, March 30, 2018

Sun & Your Skin !!!

It's Good Friday today !!

How many of you were tempted to eat meat ? Well not me , like a good Catholic I stayed away from meat and enjoyed my veggies . No it was not a chore and I didn' t even miss the meat because I cooked up some delicious veggie dishes . Vegetables and fruit are good for your skin . It' s long term effect is radiance ,elasticity and a youthful appearance . What I'm looking forward to is a nice little sun break but not this Easter but over a few weeks I have something planned . It does not feel like Spring at all but hey ho I say we will begin to feel Spring in a week or two .. ever the optimistic :)

We all love the sun, and given a choice we would like sunny weather all year. That is why California, Florida, places in Asia are such popular holiday destinations! Year round sun! Although, with the sun, comes the risk of long term skin damage! The main types of skin damage is fine lines and wrinkles. Over time the sun's UV rays damages fibers in the skin called elastin. The fibers break down, and the skin begins to sag, stretch, and loses its ability to ping back into shape.

Discoloration of the skin. This manifests itself as brown freckles and patches of darker permanent pigmentation on the skin. Broken blood vessels, prolonged exposure to the sun causes this, mainly it appears on the face, especially on the nose. It is harmless but it's ageing. Your skin will try to heal its self by increasing the blood supply to the sun damaged area, resulting in a proliferation of broken blood vessels!

Ways to repair this sun damage to your skin would begin with drinking loads of water. It won't get rid of the wrinkles, but keeping your skin hydrated will improve the appearance of your skin. Improve pigmentation: there are plenty of over the counter products that will improve your pigmentation and bleach brown spots. They are not often as strong as those supplied by a dermatologist but the results are still good. Retinol. This cream can produce new collagen, but they cannot repair the elastin fibers.
Exfoliation is a good way to remove dead skin build-up. A smoother surface will give a nice reflection of light, making skin look even and you can appear younger! Eating foods high in antioxidants. Cherries, walnuts, and asparagus are all good sources of antioxidant melatonin, which protects the skin against UV radiation and stimulates new cell growth!
Image result for pictures of water and sunglasses

Have an awesome weekend and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spring Dresses For Easter & A Thought !

Happy Tuesday !

Easter is not very far away and if you are planning on going to some nice family or friends Easter Parties look no further than my pretty Spring dresses for Easter . Of course it's not going to be real Spring weather but you could always throw on a light jacket or a sweater indoors :) Outside stick with the winter coat at all times !

Spring dresses are mostly in floral colours but a splash of red could set you apart from the rest . Style and confidence can make anything look great . Easter is a time of celebration . It' s actually a bigger celebration than Christmas because the RISEN CHRIST re-confirms our faith in Jesus and Catholicism. No other religion has had their holy one come back from the dead ,to show us that we have a life after . Love , acceptance , forgiveness and peace are the traits Jesus taught us which we have recorded for us in the holy Bible . How about every single person this Easter puts Peacefulness top of the list . Ganging up on a single Country , goes back to the school playground when the bullies singled out one person and went to town ! Talking and living in Peace with everyone would be my message to all this Easter . We have one world how about showing love for all things on it . People , Animals , Nature and Countries . Meanwhile enjoy all those Eggs before Easter because I know not many wait for Easter Sunday to indulge :) Just lay off the Cadbury brand .. Don't ask me WHY they have decided to label the chocolates Halal ??? It is rude to bring in religion into Chocolates and a well loved brand doing this ? Shameful . Is the chocolates now only meant for a certain group of people ?? Nobody would want to eat Chocolates with the label prayed over by the Pope , going too far . Keep chocolates free for all Religions . Thanks .

1 satin burgundy dress /38 dollars /
2 mela stone skater dress /18 dollars /
3 v neck golden glitter dress / 32 euros /
4 grey mesh floral bardot dress /21 pounds /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Friday, March 23, 2018

Healthy Friday : A Veggie Rice Bowl :)

Happy Friday !

Are you trying to get healthy ? Now is always the right time to start . Don't cut out meat but you could always have one meat free day or two in the week . Getting healthy is a combination of things . Eating right . Making sure you consume alot of fruit and veggies . Having less sugar . A lot of people cut out sugar and go wild with the honey . Honey is just as bad . Just go easy with the honey as you do with everything in life . Over indulgence is bad . Getting the right amount of exercise . Going easy on the alcohol and drinking more water . Most of all being healthy is staying positive and looking ahead at your goals . Don't give up if it gets hard , the saying " Rome wasn't built in a day " comes to mind .

Today I would like to share a recipe of a rice bowl! The recipe is delicious and has a lot of vegetables. It's a great healthy choice! Healthy and good for our bodies. Enjoy!

Vegetable Rice Bowl

1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 x 120g pack Tenderstem broccoli tips, halved lengthways
1 red pepper, seeded and cut into chunks
1 x 160g pack marinated tofu pieces
2 x 250g pouches microwave rice or you could always cook some Basmati rice
200g (7oz) frozen peas
1 tbsp sesame seeds
3 spring onions, chopped

For the sauce
1 red chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
2.5cm (1in) piece fresh ginger, grated
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

Heat the oil in a wok. Add the broccoli and pepper and stir-fry, over a high heat, for 3 minutes. Add the tofu and cook for 1-2 minutes, until crisp.
Tip in the rice and stir-fry for 4 minutes, breaking up the grains as they warm. Stir through the peas and cook for a further 2-3 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the sauce. Mix the chilli, garlic, ginger, soy, sweet chilli sauce and vinegar in a bowl. Pour it over the rice mixture and toss until coated and warmed through. To serve, spoon into bowls and enjoy  :) Image result for pictures of rice bowls with broccoli & tofu

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Monday, March 19, 2018

Conditioning Hair Mask !!

Happy Monday !!

The " mini beast from the east " has brought the cold , snow wind everything back with a vengeance .  Luckily it's just going to get better in the next two days . I am so done with the cold ! Happy St. Patrick's Day for the 17th . It was so bitterly cold that weekend , I don't remember if I actually did have much fun !

Today we all heard how John McEnroe was paid 5 times more than Martina Navratilova . Outrageous ..but why do Women sell themselves short , they under value their worth . Martina didn't need to take the job ( she does have some millions in the bank :) ) If the ladies stood up and said this is highly unfair things would change . Don't work let the men do the hard graft , see if people will be tuning in to see guys doing all the work . Women bring sparkle and glamour and although I love men , I would never go and see a movie with only guys in it , or like an only female cast it would turn me off !

Today's blog is not about male and females it's about hair ! Hair is our crowning glory ! I love an appreciate my beautiful hair , but I also spend time taking care of it . I became especially more conscious of it , after reading a few days ago an article which featured Maxima the Queen of the Netherlands . I am a big lover of royal families and never miss reading any article about them. As I have always read any article featuring Maxima I have always noticed in the photos she has horrid looking unkept hair , which I find very strange as being Royal and having tons of money she should  take better care of it . Cut it short because it's in really bad shape and put some extensions in it . While they are in,  start nourishing and looking after your hair Maxima ! But it was not me just thinking she has ratty hair because in the comments below the article everyone thought her hair was rough !  One person even said all the women in the Netherlands have very poor quality hair . Well nobody would like those kind of statements . So we all need tips on taking care of our hair !

Here's a recipe for a homemade natural hair mask which is very effective for shiny glossy hair . No split ends, frizzles  or dullness .  Conditioners cost a lot of money , this hair mask is made with stuff you have in your kitchen and is 100% effective .  It's a conditioning Hairmask . Make it and leave it on for 40 minutes then wash it off normally with shampoo .

Get One Banana , mash it up throughly . Then add some honey 2 tablespoons and mix ,last of all add coconut oil to the mixture ( 2 tablespoons ) and mix . That's all you need apply the mixture to your hair and wait for 40 minutes . Then wash off . Your hair will look glorious . Repeat this every week or twice a week if you have time over a month your hair will be in the best condition ever . Maxima please do this !
Image result for pictures of bananasImage result for pictures of coconut oil
Image result for pictures of honey
Hope you enjoy making this hair mask and treating yourself . You are worth it ! Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace !

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Fuel Your Body With Veggies !!

Happy Thursday !!

The beast from the east is set to return and I am so over the cold snow ice and wind . Okay so it's supposed to be a mini one with just a few days of  extreme cold ! I will take that . Keep warm and the best way to boost your body's immunity is to fuel it up with the best food to give you all the nutrients to fight the cold . Eating well is not rushing out to get the biggest kabab to fill up your tummy ! It means eating veggies that that are healthy and good for you .  As well as eating well remember try to keep your surroundings warm . Keep your living room door closed so the heat can remain within the room and not escape to the corridor and stairs . Light a few candles in the room to give you extra heat . It works a treat like a fireplace from olden days . Draw your curtains back early so the heat stays in the room .Don't block the radiators with furniture so the heat can flow easily . If you put  aluminium foil behind the radiator on the wall it reflects a lot more heat into the room and is a neat trick to get the most of your heating . Last of all don't be shy to wear a beanie in the house if you are super cold ! 

But here are  the eight best vegetables around , we could eat this winter , to get us healthy so our body is fit and able to cope with the cold . Even though a lot of people are not fans of veggies , you could cook up some hearty meals to satisfy yourself and keep you warm . These are some of my favourites , I cook them up in almost everything !

1) Spinach : 2 cal , It's high in fiber , protein ,calcium ,iron , magnesium , potassium and vitamins A ,C , E , K and B6 as well as high in sodium . The best ways to eat it is raw , in salads stir-fried or cooked in a curry .
Image result for images of spinach

2) Red Bell Pepper : 30 cal , high in fiber , potassium and vitamins A ,C ,K , D and B6 . High in natural sugars it is best eaten raw , or in salads , roasted or stir-fried .
Image result for images of red peppers

3) Red Onions : 44 cal , high in fiber , potassium and vitamins C and B6 . They are high in natural sugars . Eat them in salads , raw , sauteed or stir-fried . Aldi is doing a great offer this week 59 p for a kilo :)
4) Tomatoes : 22 cal ,high in magnesium , fiber , potassium and vitamins A , C and K . High in sugars eat them raw in salads , sandwiches or use them in tomato based pasta sauces . Super delicious !

5 ) Eggplant or Aubergines or Brinjals , wherever in the world you are , those are the names used and I particularly  love this veg . 110 cal ,high in magnesium , potassium and vitamins C , K and B6 . Eat them roasted ,  grilled or stir-fried !

Image result for images of aubergine
6) Cucumbers : 24 cal , this veg is high in magnesium , potassium and vitamins A , C and K . High in sugars , eat it raw or in salads .

Image result for images of cucumbers
7) Cauliflower : 3 cal , high in protein , magnesium , fiber , potassium and vitamins C , K an B6 . High in sugars eat it steamed ,roasted or in salads .

8) Mushrooms : 2 cal , high in fiber ,protein , iron , potassium and vitamins d and B6 .eat them stir-fried ,sauteed ,or roasted . Add them to pastas , noddles, salads and casseroles !

Enjoy your veggies and get your kids to eat them too ! Have a wonderful day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace xx

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Happy Mother's Day .. The UK Celebrated !

Happy Sunday .. Happy Mother's Day !

Today was Mother's Day , only in the UK ,so I hope you took some time out of your day to spoil your Mum . A Mum is the most essential part of our childhood . She is the face we see everyday . She is the person who kisses us and hugs us ,always makes us feel better in every situation . Our comforter and security . If your Mum stayed home and did everything for you then you were truly blessed . Nowadays Mums juggle work and home life and children , often doing too much and too little in the long run .  If your Mum was hardly there for you and you don't feel Mother's Day is a big deal , Your Mum failed you . But not because she didn't care . She just had other priorities , which she assumed were more important than raising a child . That is our society of today ! Women want to prove a point a become a man , being a women and being comfortable saying I am whom I am is a far greater achievement .

Being a woman is taking care of yourself and face oils help you achieve that . It's an excellent caring gift to your Mum . You can never have too little face oil . You will and can use it till the day you die . 
Face oils since it came out at the end of the last year it has been an absolute revolution. If you would imagine it would make your skin oilier, it is completely unfounded. Face oils serve to strengthen and protect the natural fat in the skin which is so necessary for proper hydration. The face oils are formulated with vitamin A & E and a rich blend of omega 6 fatty acids to calm, repair and protect the skin. Face oils help with the natural plumping up of skin. As you get your mid-30s wrinkles suddenly look deeper because the skin's natural oil decreases. The moisture barrier breaks down and the skin dries out. Most creams contain a little oil but not enough to make a big difference in the water loss. For better absorption first apply the face oil to your skin before adding the face cream or foundation to your skin.

The six best face oils I would recommend range in the price from affordable to expensive. But they are absolutely worth every cent and you should definitely give it a try, especially if you are in your 30s now is the time to start with a good face care routine to meet the oncoming inevitable old age with a smile and your best looking face!

Most of these oils are available from Sephora.

The best at No.1 Ole Henriksen Pure Truth Vitamin C Youth Activating Oil. It costs $45 and is perfect for all skins.

2. Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Oil, for $14.50 to $28 - depending on the size of the bottle.

3. Josie Maran Argan Infinity Cream, intensive creamy oil costs $28. But I absolutely love this one.

4. Bare Minerals Oil Obsessed Total Cleansing Oil costs $30 and is only available online to buy. A bargain.

5.  Tarte Maracuja Oil, comes in a beautiful purple bottle, gets 5 stars and costs between $15 and $75 depending on the bottle size.

6. Last on this list but from the reputable fashion and make-up house, Dior. A real bargain at $39. Dior instant gentle cleansing oil. It has a wonderful fragrance and I particularly love it.

Hope this is useful. Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace

Friday, March 9, 2018

March Style ...Gorgeous Shoes !!!

Happy Friday !

It's the weekend that means alot of girls are out on the town and with Cheltenham in just four days that means everybody is planning a nice outfit to go to the races . These four pretty shoes would do your feet proud and I couldn't resist doing a blog featuring them . They are relatively cheap and look stylish and expensive . Pair them up with a gorgeous dress and you will be the Belle of the Racecourse !

All four feature pencil heels , but they give the illusion of very long legs when paired with a dress or a skirt .  Don't wear them with leggings or trousers or with shorts it would cheapen the elegance of the shoe ! Open toed shoes should also not be worn with tights or stockings it would look very wrong .

International Women's Day was yesterday but did you guys also know it was World Kidney Day . Please try to stay healthy and drink moderately at all times we want our kidneys to stand the test of time . Look after them and yourselves ! I am not too big a fan of International Women's Day , it's just a another day with a lot of talk . I am waiting for the day when Women can be free ... Free to dress as they wish , free to travel where they want and free to put tattoos on their skin without odd looks and no chance of employment ! It was shame that the BBC let go of Presenter Helen Skelton because of the way she dressed . She was a joy to watch good at interacting with her fellow presenters and was well loved with alot of fans . So there you go Women are not free to be themselves . Maybe things will change in 100 years time . Robots will take over and they look pretty weird , so women might become a little more appreciated and accepted however they looked ! 

1 fluffy pumps / 31 dollars /
2 ruffle stiletto / 35 dollars /
3 bow sandals / 45 euros /
4 Jessica Simpson dress shoes / 35 euros /

Enjoy the shoes and keep smiling . Have an awesome day !

Love & Peace

Monday, March 5, 2018

Outfit Recommendation & Thoughts !

Happy Monday !

The day after the Oscars , stayed up most of the night watching it but didn't really enjoy the superficial very forced performance of nearly everyone ! It was dull boring and joyless , thankfully the movies were all good picks and worthy of every Oscar they won . Loved the Darkest Hour and it was a joy to see Gary Oldman win Best Actor without a shadow of doubt the best , Loved it when he said "Ma put the kettle on , I'm bringing Oscar home ! " He is so blessed to still have his mother with him . It's Parent appreciation day if we need to take anything away from that speech ! Make time for your parents and above all let them know you care !

A big shout out to my dad on this day the 5th of March he was born and what a wonderful kind father I was blessed to have he gave us a childhood full of stories , movies , books, knowledge and an imagination so vast I appreciate to this day ! Happy Birthday Dad hope we can all meet up soon . May the year ahead be blessed with happy things , rainbows , wishes & cakes .. Cheers Dad ! WE LOVE YOU xxx

Today's outfit recommendation is not an Oscar gown but a lovely little cheerful skirt and blouse to lift your mood as the temperatures slowly rise as we leave behind the bitter bitter cold from the beast from the east ! The ladies at the Oscars forgot to follow through with their campaign to show solidarity and wear black ! Keep up the stance till Harvey goes to JAIL ... still no arrest ??? Time they invested in some 3 Billboards !!!!

Hope you all like my outfit selection and get inspired . Few words of advice Think Positive  , Be Positive and Stay Positive !

1 floral satin top / 29 dollars /
2 light denim jacket / 34 dollars /
3 skater skirt / 14 dollars /
4 peep toe booties / 30 dollars /
5 faux leather crossbody bag / 20 euros /
6 Lauren Conrad dangle earrings / 13 dollars /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace