Monday, March 19, 2018

Conditioning Hair Mask !!

Happy Monday !!

The " mini beast from the east " has brought the cold , snow wind everything back with a vengeance .  Luckily it's just going to get better in the next two days . I am so done with the cold ! Happy St. Patrick's Day for the 17th . It was so bitterly cold that weekend , I don't remember if I actually did have much fun !

Today we all heard how John McEnroe was paid 5 times more than Martina Navratilova . Outrageous ..but why do Women sell themselves short , they under value their worth . Martina didn't need to take the job ( she does have some millions in the bank :) ) If the ladies stood up and said this is highly unfair things would change . Don't work let the men do the hard graft , see if people will be tuning in to see guys doing all the work . Women bring sparkle and glamour and although I love men , I would never go and see a movie with only guys in it , or like an only female cast it would turn me off !

Today's blog is not about male and females it's about hair ! Hair is our crowning glory ! I love an appreciate my beautiful hair , but I also spend time taking care of it . I became especially more conscious of it , after reading a few days ago an article which featured Maxima the Queen of the Netherlands . I am a big lover of royal families and never miss reading any article about them. As I have always read any article featuring Maxima I have always noticed in the photos she has horrid looking unkept hair , which I find very strange as being Royal and having tons of money she should  take better care of it . Cut it short because it's in really bad shape and put some extensions in it . While they are in,  start nourishing and looking after your hair Maxima ! But it was not me just thinking she has ratty hair because in the comments below the article everyone thought her hair was rough !  One person even said all the women in the Netherlands have very poor quality hair . Well nobody would like those kind of statements . So we all need tips on taking care of our hair !

Here's a recipe for a homemade natural hair mask which is very effective for shiny glossy hair . No split ends, frizzles  or dullness .  Conditioners cost a lot of money , this hair mask is made with stuff you have in your kitchen and is 100% effective .  It's a conditioning Hairmask . Make it and leave it on for 40 minutes then wash it off normally with shampoo .

Get One Banana , mash it up throughly . Then add some honey 2 tablespoons and mix ,last of all add coconut oil to the mixture ( 2 tablespoons ) and mix . That's all you need apply the mixture to your hair and wait for 40 minutes . Then wash off . Your hair will look glorious . Repeat this every week or twice a week if you have time over a month your hair will be in the best condition ever . Maxima please do this !
Image result for pictures of bananasImage result for pictures of coconut oil
Image result for pictures of honey
Hope you enjoy making this hair mask and treating yourself . You are worth it ! Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace !

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