Saturday, April 28, 2018

April Fav's.. Spring/Summer Shoes & Thoughts !!

Happy Saturday !

The weather was not glorious today , it was cold , windy and it rained & rained ,so much for Spring time and some sunshine !! Hopefully we can soon start wearing our summer shoes which I keep dreaming about .. here are some of my favourites to inspire you when you think of purchasing some nice new spring/summer  footwear :)

1 britwedge platform sandal / 96 dollars / charles by charles david
2 elise gladiator sandals / 90 dollars / sole society
3 twiggy heel in bordeaux / 88 dollars / by the way.
4 seychelles wedge / 90 dollars / seychelles

Before I go on little Alfie Evans lost his battle with life today He was all over the news as his parents battled doctors to save his life in peace Alfie ! I never could understand why he was not allowed to just go to Rome and allow the doctors in Italy their try . He did survive a couple of days without life support he didn't just give up, the courts in England gave up on him without giving Italy a chance . I believe the Holy Father ,Pope Francis even pleaded to allow him to come to Italy . Another life lost, yet we must pretend it's all okay !

Today Katy Perry and her squeeze Orlando Bloom while on holiday in Rome were so privileged to meet the Pope .. Yes that's a surprise for me Katy Perry wanting to meet the Holy Father and he making time for Her ??? Yeah I would have liked to be a fly on the wall if he had a few words for her .. I'm sure you all must know how Katy has been battling the Nuns in California over their Property . While the Nuns have no intention of selling the Convent to Katy she stands determined to have it .. spoilt little girl who thinks money talks over the wishes of people !! One of the elderly nuns at 80 plus( fairly old ) recently died in Court while telling Katy to just please STOP ! No but she ain't bothered but somehow still managed to produce some false smiles and meet the POPE ... some people ! Fair to say I'm not a Katy Perry fan these days !

In other news William & Kate have named the baby Prince and just like I said in my last blog the day after he was born that he would be called Prince Louis and so he has :) Beautiful name and yes I got it right ,happy days !!!

Before I end this blog a quote which I love thought I'd share it with you , Life isn't about being happy all the time and finding that one person to complete you , it's about having experiences and sharing Jacuzzi 's :) Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April Favourites .. Skirts :)

Happy Tuesday !

Yesterday was St George's Day , it was also William Shakespear's birthday both celebrated with pride in England . it was also a cause for big celebrations yesterday because Kate Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William welcomed their third child into the world . A bonny baby boy .. very sweet and a thoroughly joyous occasion . Now Kate is the mother of two boys just like Princess Diana and whereas Diana did not have the third baby a girl she so wanted .. Kate has that too . Diana is truly smiling down on them from heaven . I think Kate makes William very happy and that definitely make Diana happy . I loved her choice of outfit as she left St. Marys Hospital with the baby , a tribute to Diana in a very similar outfit ( red ) that Diana wore when she left the hospital with Baby Harry in 1984 . Although why did Kate wear her usual heels leaving the hospital ? It was totally unnecessary some flats for the short walk would have been just as beautiful ( she did give birth only 7 seven hours before ! Women have tremendous pressure on them to look stunningly turned out immediately after birthing ! Kate no need to put more pressure on them ( We love you enough )

I was absolutely sure baby would be a boy and come on the 23rd of April so I wonder if my thoughts on the baby name will be anywhere close :) I'm thinking the baby Prince will be called Louis Philip John  it would be a nice name :)

Although the weather has turned so cold overnight ( had me shivering & needing an extra blanket in the middle of the night ) as I had already kept my winter duvet away for the Spring / Summer one , here are some beautiful Skirts for Spring/ Summer when you want your legs on display and still look cute . Enjoy .

A recommendation for a movie , if anyone is looking for a good one to go see at the weekend . Don't miss this one it's very entertaining and definitely worth the expensive ticket prices  " Ready Player One " 

1 blossom embroidered skirt / 68 dollars / topshop
2 petitee ivy embroidered skirt / 68 dollars / topshop
3 flared skirt / 52 dollars / fila
4 PU mini skirt / 60 dollars / topshop

Cheers , Have an awesome day and keep smiling ...

Love & Peace 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Chicken & Lentils ... April Favourite !!

Happy Friday !

Today didn't feel like Friday , it felt like Saturday guess I was already taking it easy and in weekend mode . So I would just be enjoying an extra long weekend because tomorrow really is Saturday :) This week has been an eventful week . Shocking news that Dale Winton had passed away . My absolute favourite presenter . I loved his charm ,wit ,smile and endearing quality . God rest his soul . He shall be missed very sad he left this world far too early . But today even more shocking news my favourite DJ Avicii died suddenly in Oman while he was on holiday there . At 28 he was even years younger than Dale . I am so,so sad . He made great music was gifted and put his talent to good use . The world mourns his loss and every music fan . RIP Avicii  !! We all fight battles he fought his greatest with drink and he lost . We don't know how he died but I'm guessing alcohol ! Dale fought his everyday with depression , a seriously dangerous sickness but so under estimated yet claims so many lives . And makes it torture while you struggle everyday to live . For everyone battling depression battle on , live each day optimistic that you can hold on victoriously everyday . Give yourself credit each night and be proud of yourself . A battle fought is a battle Won ! You are special and somebody loves you ( even if you don't have anyone in your life remember God loves you . )

For today's blog, I am choosing a one pot recipe to make your dinner time easy and nutritious with something healthy being served up quick. My children love Chicken and I adore lentils fantastic combination . Serve it with a nice salad and some crusty bread  Enjoy the food and happy cooking!

Lentil Chicken one-pot

1 tsp vegetable oil
2 rasher lean dry-cure back bacon, trimmed and chopped
2 large bone-in chicken thigh, skin removed
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
2 tsp plain flour
2 tsp tomato purée
150ml dry white wine
200ml chicken stock
50g green lentil
½ tsp dried thyme
85g chestnut mushroom, halved if large

1. Heat the oil in a non-stick wide, shallow pan, add bacon and fry briskly until lightly coloured, then lift on to a plate. Add the chicken and fry on each side until lightly brown. Set aside with the bacon. Tip onion and garlic into the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the flour and tomato purée, then stir over a low heat for 2-3 minutes. Add the wine, stock, lentils and thyme. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Stir in the mushrooms. Add the bacon and chicken, pushing them under the liquid. Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until lentils are tender and the chicken cooked. Season with salt and pepper.

Enjoy The delicious chicken & lentils 

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace  

Monday, April 16, 2018

April Favourites ... No Need For Frizz !!

Happy Monday !

If you have curly, wavy hair like me then the slightest amount of rain, heat, or central heating can cause all you hair to feel dry and get frizz. With spring in the air & hopefully summer not so long off and with many of my readers and followers  from warmer countries, so it's all about smooth and hydrated - manageable hair we all long to have. These five great anti-frizz products will keep your hair moisturised and won't weigh your hair down, and actually work. I have tried and tested them all!

At no. 5 is Nanokeratin Re-Invent Leave In Conditioner and costs a hefty £25.55. I loved this product and will use it again.

No. 4, Alterna Bamboo Smooth Frizz Correcting Styling Lotion, A very nice product that costs £16.24.

No. 3, Davineo Momo Moisturizing Anti Frizz Fluid, just a dollop of this smoothing cream after towel drying your hair will detangle and hydrate from root to tip. Costs $22 and available from The bottle is plain and not very attractive, but the product is great.

No. 2, It's a 10! Miracle Leave-in Product, this costs a whopping $34. But like its name, it's a 10 from me!

No 1, my favorite, and at the top of my list is Bumble and Bumble Defrizz. It costs $25 dollars and is available at A must try!

Hope you find the list handy for the next time you go shopping. Don't let a bad hair day spoil your mood. These great products will have you feeling like a princess with silky, glossy hair.

Keep smiling and have an awesome day. A quote I love ... enjoy by the great Rabindranath Tagore :)

Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it. - Rabindranath Tagore

Love & Peace 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Spring Weather & Thoughts !!

Happy Tuesday !

It was a gorgeous day , the sun was shining and I spent the day out with a friend . Nothing does better than waltzing around the Farmers Market getting the best deals on Fruit ,Veggies , Eggs and Fish . I love the avocados , mangoes , pumpkins ,fresh herbs , chillies all organic and straight from the farms . Do you guys take the trouble to find a farmers market and buy their stuff . Not only will you be helping the local farmers but fresh produce is full with vitamins and beneficial to long term health . Well if your goal is to be live longer than Methuselah !!

Eating a healthy diet nourishes the brain as well . Depression has never been higher than in the last 20 years . What is it that drives so many over the edge and coping with issues becomes too much to handle and suicide to many seem like the only option .  Life is very stressful but it saddens me when I read about suicides by young and middle-aged people . Today in the daily mail I read about a family who lost their two sons to suicide ten months apart . It is very , very sad .   We need to relax more about our lives we don' t really need to achieve everything at once . People put too much pressure on themselves . It' s okay to be who you are . In this mad , mad world we need to breathe and let life come as it will . We also need to reach out to each other and say it' s okay to have emotions anger , sadness , our thoughts are meant to be shared , don' t feel embarrassed to say how you feel or how you want something to turn out . Everything will never be how you want it but it doesn't hurt to express our feelings . I am not a person to shrink from expressing my thoughts and I reckon it's helped me alot in coping with life .

We are a consumer society and this need to have everything is not bringing anyone any happiness . Downsizing is now the new big rage . I can't get enough of the YouTube video's of people's tiny houses . I absolutely love them . We need to live in smaller places and cut back on going big . Not only staying in a huge place allows greedy company's to give you heating bills that cost an arm and a leg and leave you pretty badly off end of the month , but governments aid and abet with these people to rip us off. How is this fair ? We need to see these company's go bust ! Downsize  and do the eco friendly thing solar panels ! Make sure to switch off lights use candle light after dinner to watch telly , you don't need the big lights on . Fire places are God sent but not many houses have them anymore , such a shame . Maybe we all need to be minimalist . Going to write a blog on it soon and how it can help you . I know I'm not going to turn overnight into a minimalist but I'm doing my fair share slowly .  Recently I stopped buying plastic disposable straws to have my drinks ( coffee , tea etc .. because I don't want to stain my teeth :) ) I have bought from Stainless Steel straws which look oh so chic and they can be used for many years . Sold with a little brush  to clean them in packs of four , I think it's the best thing ever ! I highly rec-command everyone invests in these straws . They come in Stainless Steel and Glass . Just do it ! I have also stopped buying and using plastic bags . I now have a couple of tote bags ( cloth ) which are very environmentally friendly and easy to carry on your shoulder .

Hope you also start with small changes and make a big difference to the World we live in ! Have an awesome day and keep smiling .
Image result for inspirational quotes

Love & Peace

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April Favourites ..Healthy Smoothies !!

Happy Sunday !

A day for relaxing and making sure that we can also maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle . As I've just bought a new bullet blender I'm making smoothies  non stop for the children and myself .

Drinking is beneficial to our body and we need liquids to survive. It's a known fact that we can live longer without food but if we cut out liquids we meet our maker sooner. So to quench our thirst, stop reaching for fizzy drinks and make your drink of choice healthy!

Healthy drinks can lower the risk of heart disease, it can improve your mood and also give you a good portion of your five-a-day. Hope you enjoy this Berry smoothie .

Berry Smoothie:

• 1 ripe banana
• 140g of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries
• Apple juice or mineral water
• Honey, to serve

1. Slice the banana into your blender or food processor and add the berries of your choice. Whizz until smooth. With the blades whirring, pour in juice or water to make the consistency you like. Toss a few extra fruits on top (suggestion), drizzle with honey and serve.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, ''It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.''

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April Favourites ..Max Factor Make-Up !!

Happy Thursday !!

Make-up is the absolute essential to a woman's personal possessions !! No female would ever dream of going away for a few days without packing some make-up in her case , it's a fact . So  a few make-up essentials and a master class to make sure you have some of the  right products in your beauty bag ,if your planning a weekend away or getting ready for a longer break .Max Factor has some great products, which are top class standard and you won't be breaking the bank to stock them . So I shall list the products and their prices and you should give them a try , if your looking for inspiration the next time you go out and want to purchase some nice make-up . My absolute April make-up favourites!

Get fresh faced with Max Factor's Creme Puff Pressed Powder , at 5.99 for a touch up between your brows ,around the sides of your nose and underneath your lip . Keep these areas matte and the rest can be dewy and glossy so your skin looks fresh .

Instant eye openers Max Factor's Shimmer Pot  which is 7.99 is perfect in the Spring & Summer . Dust it over your tear duct to enhance the almond shape of your eyes . Over the lids is great in the evenings and with it's 12 hour formula it will stay put all night . Add a slick of Max Factor Masterpiece Transform Mascara at 9.99 to give you fuller volumised lashes in an instant
.Image result for max factor shimmer pots

Your lippie = blush , two in one perfect if you are travelling and want to pack less . Use Max Factor's Colour Elixir Lipstick in Raisin 7.99 over your cheeks as a blusher . It's the ultimate in multitasking .

Update your eyes . Ditch the smoky grey look . Add instant richness with emerald green and blues . Use a bronze as a base colour than splash your greens over the top of your lids . With Max Factor's Wild Shadow pencil in Vicious Moss 5.99 and a Wild Shadow Pot in Untamed Green at 4.99 . All bargains !!

Revive your tired skin with a nice hot bath in the morning to help boost circulation . Moisturise and use a brightening base such as Max Factor's Skin Luminizer Foundation , it cost's 11.99 to add radiance to your skin .

Image result for max factor luminizer foundation
Last hide your spots ..Nobody wants pesky spots ruining your lovely look , so conceal blemishes with Max Factor Colour Corrector Stick ( Green ) costs 8.99 . The green tint neutralises the redness for flawless looking skin .

Hope you enjoy giving these products a try , next time you go shopping . Don't forget even if you still have make up in your beauty bag , after a year ...toss them out and buy new products , remember you are using them on your face !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Monday, April 2, 2018

Join Now .. Sabrina Race Tips & Get Lucky!!

Happy April ... Happy Easter Monday :)

With my Horse racing tips well and truly going forward and a nice little group of members . I am looking to get more people to come on board and get my tips . Especially this Year 2018  , time to make money and get lucky !

Special Offer for April , as it' s Easter and my Birthday month , I'm feeling generous You can become a member for a discounted rate of 5 pounds for 3 weeks , instead of the normal 9 pounds for 3 weeks ( at 3 pounds a week ) The normal registration fee is 10 pounds ( a one time thing ) but it will be 5 pounds the whole month of April 2018.

Don't miss out on this offer ...join now and Win :)   Now with a special Twitter account Sabrina Racing Tips@sabrinaracetips which is exclusively for members alot more tips go on :)

More about my tipping service and the normal costs . Drop me an email or DM me on Twitter or Facebook to get started . Don't miss out . Be lucky . Don't let opportunities pass you by . Thank you .

As a great horse racing enthusiast and I know a good many of you are as well :) I thought about offering a tipping service to people who want to make some money . 
I know times are lean and if you don't take a chance you will never make any !
As I everyday love studying the horses that are due to run , I almost never choose the wrong ones . With a good strike rate my friends and family always benefit from my tips .
And as I already have a load of beloved followers on Twitter who are eager to join I have set up my exclusive tipping service.

This service is open to people only above 18 years . Feel free to join you will not be disappointed . Everyday I shall email you 3 of the best tips which you could play as singles ,put it in a treble or in a trixie or a double ! Whereas all the other tipsters offer just one best bet of the day , I give you 3 top bets of the day . And without fail I can say 2 always WIN most days ..I call that a 90 % strike rate , try beating that :)
It's a promise you will be making loads of profit !
I also include a few extra tips and during the day if I feel a horse is going to win I will DM you the tip as well . A lot of value for 3 pounds a week !

My price is 3 GBP a week minimum 3 weeks at a time to be paid .
A one time registration fee of 10 GBP to be paid .
A perfectly reasonable amount , I think . You would definitely make a lot of money with my tips :)

The tips will be sent out from Monday to Saturday ... six days a week . You will have them in your mailbox before 11 am Monday to Saturday 

If you are interested in joining send me an email to
I  receive and accept the payments through PayPal

My PayPal address is for payments

Get IN TOUCH SOON and start making MONEY !!! The best tips around !

The flat season has started and with so many good flat jockeys around, you can be sure they will be doing their best to rake in the winners . I simply adore DeSousa , Luke Morris , Andrea Atzeni who never let their fans down . Good luck to everyone who chases losses from Ryan Moore' s rides :)

So I look forward to a lot of new people signing up for my exclusive tips . You will Win and be Lucky . It's a Promise !

Don't Miss out on the April prices... Special offer 5 pounds for 3 weeks and a registration fee of 5 pounds .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling never know when you can get very lucky . Don' t let opportunities pass you by .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace