Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Spring Weather & Thoughts !!

Happy Tuesday !

It was a gorgeous day , the sun was shining and I spent the day out with a friend . Nothing does better than waltzing around the Farmers Market getting the best deals on Fruit ,Veggies , Eggs and Fish . I love the avocados , mangoes , pumpkins ,fresh herbs , chillies all organic and straight from the farms . Do you guys take the trouble to find a farmers market and buy their stuff . Not only will you be helping the local farmers but fresh produce is full with vitamins and beneficial to long term health . Well if your goal is to be live longer than Methuselah !!

Eating a healthy diet nourishes the brain as well . Depression has never been higher than in the last 20 years . What is it that drives so many over the edge and coping with issues becomes too much to handle and suicide to many seem like the only option .  Life is very stressful but it saddens me when I read about suicides by young and middle-aged people . Today in the daily mail I read about a family who lost their two sons to suicide ten months apart . It is very , very sad .   We need to relax more about our lives we don' t really need to achieve everything at once . People put too much pressure on themselves . It' s okay to be who you are . In this mad , mad world we need to breathe and let life come as it will . We also need to reach out to each other and say it' s okay to have emotions anger , sadness , our thoughts are meant to be shared , don' t feel embarrassed to say how you feel or how you want something to turn out . Everything will never be how you want it but it doesn't hurt to express our feelings . I am not a person to shrink from expressing my thoughts and I reckon it's helped me alot in coping with life .

We are a consumer society and this need to have everything is not bringing anyone any happiness . Downsizing is now the new big rage . I can't get enough of the YouTube video's of people's tiny houses . I absolutely love them . We need to live in smaller places and cut back on going big . Not only staying in a huge place allows greedy company's to give you heating bills that cost an arm and a leg and leave you pretty badly off end of the month , but governments aid and abet with these people to rip us off. How is this fair ? We need to see these company's go bust ! Downsize  and do the eco friendly thing solar panels ! Make sure to switch off lights use candle light after dinner to watch telly , you don't need the big lights on . Fire places are God sent but not many houses have them anymore , such a shame . Maybe we all need to be minimalist . Going to write a blog on it soon and how it can help you . I know I'm not going to turn overnight into a minimalist but I'm doing my fair share slowly .  Recently I stopped buying plastic disposable straws to have my drinks ( coffee , tea etc .. because I don't want to stain my teeth :) ) I have bought from Amazon.com Stainless Steel straws which look oh so chic and they can be used for many years . Sold with a little brush  to clean them in packs of four , I think it's the best thing ever ! I highly rec-command everyone invests in these straws . They come in Stainless Steel and Glass . Just do it ! I have also stopped buying and using plastic bags . I now have a couple of tote bags ( cloth ) which are very environmentally friendly and easy to carry on your shoulder .

Hope you also start with small changes and make a big difference to the World we live in ! Have an awesome day and keep smiling .
Image result for inspirational quotes

Love & Peace

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