Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Royal Wedding H & M...My Thoughts !!

Happy Wednesday !!

We all are bursting with excitement and anticipation awaiting the Royal Wedding this Saturday the 19th .. well that is if it all goes ahead . The whole drama of Meghan's family is becoming a soap opera with newer heights ever imaginable . Poor old Thomas Markle  the will he/ won't he come / walk Meghan down the aisle must be stressful considering he hasn't even met the Man his daughter is marrying ! To top that the Man happens to be a Prince and from the biggest / oldest most famous and well known Monarchy of the World . Now who is to blame for all the stress this old man is going through ? I blame Prince Harry . In a relationship with Meghan for almost all of 20 to 24 months and he never made the effort to go visit and get to know her father . How is Tom Markle expected to just show up before the wedding and meet his son in law and his relatives a few days before the big day . Crazy ! Ask anyone who just has to meet and present a bouquet to a royal person and they are full of nerves for a week before hand . It is stressful and can cause alot of mental anxiety. For Harry being part of the Mental Health Charity "Heads Together " it is shameful , he has not showed any friendliness ,a helping hand or love for the Man who helped bring the love of his life into this world ! At times like this his mother Princess Diana had that common touch . Harry is in all sense indeed Prince Charles's Son !

Mr. Markle should have come at least two months before the wedding and been introduced to all things British by his son in law and had a lovely suit made up for the wedding by the Royal tailors . We all would have loved Harry so much, had we seen him around Mr. Markle before the big day . Love and unity brings around a happy marriage ! A word of advice Meghan , we all are not blessed with the best of relatives and 80% of the time we don't like them . But when you marry especially into such a high class noble family you always invite all your relatives to the wedding . It will keep their phony mouths shut and they will be happy to attend . Meghan you have all the money in the world a reception in a grand hall with your actor friends and some of the C class royals would have had them thrilled . You and Harry could have attended for an hour and then buggered off to The Palace or wherever you are having your evening reception . A wedding for the phony relations is all about the food , drinks and music in other words a good time and they would have thought you have them close to your heart . Better to put on a show then let the world see this dysfunctional family drama YOU & Harry caused !

Save your faces and if I have one word of advice , please immediately after the wedding Harry go with Meghan to California to a plush Hotel and call for your father in law to come see you. Spend time with him , do some nice stuff and make the man happy and put his stress at ease . I sincerely hope he makes it long enough to know Meghan is married with all this media drama and circus , I fear the worst ! But good wishes and I have my cakes & treats all ready for the 19th of May to see the big awkward wedding .

To everyone else reading this always remember big days we put our differences with family aside and celebrate with them , if they want that too , because we may not  like them but they are related to you , especially if you are marrying into one prominent family !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling . Remember how we behave towards each other is Princely a title of Prince does not mark you special . That is the reason we all to this day LOVE Princess Diana , they( the royals ) took her away her HRH but we think of her as our Royal Highness always & forever .Stay blessed

Love & Peace

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