Monday, July 16, 2018

Six Food You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight :)

Happy Monday !

Today I want to blog about six different food that you can eat and not put on any weight . Yes these are all very healthy and nutritious as well . Now who doesn't want to know about food that you can eat and not cause your waistline to explode .

1. Broccoli : This is a low calorie healthy vegetable which won't let you gain any weight infact it would help you lose weight because it fills you up quickly . A cup of this veggie is only 54 calories . In addition broccoli helps keep you regular because of it's fibre content . It's also rich in vitamins K C & A , which is an extra bonus . Stir fry the broccoli and have it for lunch in a salad or steam it which is also a good alternative . Broccoli soup is a delicious idea and great for giving children to dip with some bread to eat . 

2. Plain low fat Yoghurt , this is high in Calcium which can aid in strengthening bones and teeth .Plain yoghurt does not have added sugar which makes it a healthy choice . It can be had  mixed with slices of fruit and some nuts which can make it more appetising.

3. Extra Firm Tofu .. this is low in fat and low in calories so it is considered a slimming food . It is rich in Phosphorous , Calcium , Magnesium and Iron this is a food which is so versatile to cook . You could add it to a bowl of soup braise it , stew it or you could make it as a tofu burger pattie . This gives you your daily protein allowance instead of indulging on meat all the time .
Image result for pic of tofu

4 Apples .. This fruit is essential to maintaining a healthy diet ,these are 80% water  so it replenishes volume and helps you from packing on the calories . Apples have actin which helps slow down the digestion which prevents you from feeling hungry quickly . Fruit has shown in studies that it helps you lose weight and stops you from gaining weight in the long term . Apple juice and apple sauce also have the same benefits to keeping you full and aiding in weight loss .

5 Sweet Potato ..inspite of it's name it has no relation to the potato or the Yam , and it is an entirely different vegetable which comes in an array of different colours . Depending on where you live you can find them in orange , purple , yellow and even white . This veggie is full of fibre and keeps you satisfied for a longer period of time .It is loaded with a number of nutrients like potassium , Vitamin B⁶ and has a number of anti inflammatory ingredients . Sweet potatoes help balance glucose levels . Boil it , grill it, roast it or have it as a mash there are loads of ways to eat this delicious veggie and keep you from gaining weight .
Image result for sweet potato

6. Beets this edible vegetable is bright red and high in fibre and has nitrites which help decrease blood pressure  and is beneficial to the heart , research shows beets minimise the oxygen used when exercising . Beets are also high in anti oxicidents which helps prevent cancer .  Beets also help with anti inflammation . Boil or steam beets and use them in salads the leaves are also edible . 

Hope this gives you an idea of how you can still eat healthy delicious food and not gain any weight .
Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace

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