Thursday, February 28, 2019

Get Great Skin With A Glow !

Happy Thursday !

It's February and it's dull weather outside , after a few days of Spring temperatures it's cold and blistery again. However you still want to glow , look bright like you've just returned from a great holiday and you are buzzing !

You can achieve this by getting rid of tired eyes . Dark circles can strike at any age and are due to a combination of dehydration and hyper-pigmentation and inflammation as well as of course genetics ! " Even Better Eyes " dark circle corrector at 28 pounds from instantly covers the shadow , but also lightens the skin with brightening Vitamin C and protects against irritation with green tea extract .

After a summer of air-con , now all this dry air , cold winds your skin has probably lost all it's lustre . So slough away all the dead cells with a good face scrub . All the high street stores stock own brands but my favourite has to be he St. Ives scrub . Finish with a good mouisturising face cream or serum . My favs are always from the Neutrogena range !

Blemishes : Sunblock , too much make up , can all lead to blocked pores . Cleanse everyday with a good Facial Cleanser . I recommend Purity Facial Cleansing Gel & Eye-Makeup remover 17.50 at Philosophy . Apply later a good Facial serum to to moisturize overnight .

Pale Skin : In the winter without any sun our skin gets so pale with pasty bits and feels dull . Au Natural is always good but a nice bronzing powder adds a little bit of colour and could boost your confidence . But if you prefer a gradual little tan try " Sol Mate Self Tan Souffle " 22 pounds from Temple Spa , which has hydrating cocoa butter and anti - inflammatory  thyme .

Above all don't forget a healthy diet with lots of fruit does wonders for your complexion and good for your body and over-all health . Keep hydrated drinking lots of water . A supplement of Vitamin D is perfect for winter , and it can boost your energy levels !

Looking forward to March and lots of good weather with Spring officially on the Calendar . Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

A quote that I love and want to share with you

“To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” — Elbert Hubbard

No one likes criticism, but it is inevitable when you take risks, express opinions, or follow your dreams. You can't allow potential criticism to hold you back from taking action — unless you want to remain stuck in life.
Love & Peace 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Delicious Chicken Chow Mein !

Happy Monday !

With the beautiful Spring weather in February how could you not want to go outside and sit with a beer lap up the sunshine and hope it lasts all year ! The weather was so good I decided I would go out eating with my friend but well I still had to cook up something for the kids so what's better than a quick and easy Chicken Chow Mein.

A Chinese dish for dinner , is always so yummy and not very expensive or time consuming to cook up . Here's an excellent Chicken  Chow Mein recipe the kids love , and is often on the menu at my house .

Ingredients needed :

Egg Noddles
400 gms of chicken breast
3 Eggs
2 spring onions
4 tablespoons of dark soya sauce
4 pods of garlic chopped up
black pepper
corn flour
salt to taste
Sunflower oil

Beat your eggs add salt and a touch of pepper . Fry it in a pan on both sides , don't burn it . Get it out and cut it up thinly and keep aside to add to the noddles later . Now cut your chicken up add some corn flour to it ,  add 2 spoons of soya sauce some pepper corns and you could now add half the chopped  garlic , if you love garlic like me !  Mix it together . Get a pan on the fire , when it's hot , add some oil . Toss the chicken in and fry till it's done around 8/10 mins . Boil the noddles meanwhile according to the packet . When the chicken's done add  the rest of your garlic & the noddles and fry . Add the remaining soya sauce , the spring onions and your eggs to the pan . Toss it together well and your Chow Mein is ready . Enjoy eating ! I always add some cut up chillies to it as well which you could exclude :)

Image result for pictures of chicken chow mein
Have a wonderful day and don't forget to give this recipe a go :)
Enjoy this amazing weather and thank God Jeremy Corbyn is finally seeing some sense and is prepared to call for a 2nd referendum . I was beginning to go off him !!  But now all is well .
Keep smiling and and have a fabulous week !

Love & Peace

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February Advice .. How To Know He Wants A Relationship !

Happy Wednesday !

With the weather beautiful yes , yes Spring in February, glorious . Racing providing some excellent winners, life is good and satisfying :) Did I mention it's also half term so the kids around 24/7 I could not be happier ! So as I pondered what was going to be the subject of my blog today I thought maybe I would write about relationships .

I will focus on the ways you could be certain that a guy is into you and wants a relationship with you . Often we are so in love with someone we forget ourselves and throw ourselves into something only to be disappointed a little later .

The first sign is the guy will pursue you . You will feel his attention on you . When it suddenly feels like you are doing all the texting and you have to wonder all the time where is this guy, you are basically carrying the relationship that is not the guy that wants a relationship with you . The guy who wants a relationship with you will be right there pursuing you , letting you know I'm here .
The second thing if a guy is interested it will be Progression . A very important factor for a guy that is interested . He will want to see more of you that is Friday , Saturday and Sunday . He will be setting up plans letting you know in advance he wants to see you not keeping you as an option and vaguely say I would like to go out again and come Thursday you are still not sure if he's going to be in your weekend . He's probably waiting for something better in his own mind ... so that is definitely not the guy who wants a relationship with you . Always remember you are not the second best option . You are beautiful , you are number one and screw that guy he does not deserve you . You want a guy who makes you feel like he hit the jackpot , he goes around like I hit the lottery with this woman , she is amazing beautiful and I feel so lucky to have her in my life . If he doesn't make you feel that way he's  a jackass and don't waste your time on him he's not looking for a relationship with you . The right guy will want to spend all his time with you make plans to do things that necessarily are not the things he would do !  Guys who are interested in progression another way is intimacy and in intimacy I mean they want to share everything about themselves with you that is the music they love , the things that make them proud . the food they love to eat . Everything they love to do, they try to make themselves open so you could get to know them better .
The third way, where you know a guy is interested in a relationship with you, what you will experience is Peace . Peace is when the relationship just flows you will feel relaxed . In each other's company there will be harmony a flow a sense of belonging a peacefulness . When you see couples who have been together for many years they say the secret to the relationship is peacefulness , it's easy the togetherness the flow the understanding it's not forced or faked just that happy everyday love together . If the relationship feels hard , forced a tug of war then that's not the guy who wants to be in a relationship with you , he's making things difficult and keeping his options open and looking out for someone else . Just remember when your with the right person it's really hard to screw up a good thing ,because deep down you want it to work it should be easy . Don't sell yourself short . He should want you and should be willing to show it . If not, he is not the one for you and he's not looking out for a relationship with you !

Hope these few tips helps you out and points you to a guy who is actually interested in you and wants to have a relationship you .  A beautiful quote I love and want to share with you guys

“I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.”
Roy Croft

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Get Healthy ... The Benefits Of Cucumbers !

Happy Sunday !

The weekend a time for rest, relaxation and family .. after Saturday night spent out , a nice long lie in till mid day a hearty brunch can put a smile on the face and make  a restful mind . I hope you all are feeling blessed like I am ! With half term here we could enjoy a nice movie night yes unusual for a Sunday but the youngest wanted company watching the Netflix thriller "Bird Box " and I am always up for a movie . A must watch exciting but I felt the end was very rushed !

So apart from a fun Sunday, never far from my mind is being healthy for my children and myself . Here I'm focusing on the Cucumber .
Ten wonderful reasons why Cucumbers are great for your health . We all see cucumbers as a boring vegetable , but it has surprisingly wonderful health benefits for us . So before you leave a supermarket next time make sure you have at least three cucumbers in your basket for your family and yourself .
Here goes the reasons :
1. They are packed full of vitamins . Cucumbers are essentially full of of vitamins A and B which give you lots of energy and keep your hair and nails healthy and then the Vitamin C , which supports your immune system .

2. The Minerals found in Cucumbers , which include magnesium , potassium and silicon are particularly good for your skin , which is why cucumbers feature so heavily in spa treatments .

3. They aid in weight loss . Due to their high water content , cucumbers are great for weight loss , because they fill you up without adding on the pounds . Use it for snacking with a low calorie dip humous throughout the day and watch the pounds fall .

4. They refresh your eyes . If your eyes are puffy after a bad night's sleep or a late night out , applying slices of cucumber for a few minutes over your eyes will reduce swelling thanks to it's anti-inflammatory properties .

5. They can fight Cancer .Cucumbers contain the lignans secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. These are associated with the reduced risk of cancers including breast, ovarian, prostate and uterine cancer.

6. Cucumbers help to control Diabetes and Cholesterol . Cucumbers contain a hormone that is important to the pancreas for producing insulin, making them highly beneficial for people with diabetes. Research has also found that cucumbers contain a compound called sterols that can help to lower cholesterol.

7. They help keep your teeth healthy . The high water content in cucumbers help to keep your mouth hydrated and washes away the bacteria associated with plaque and gum diseases .

8. They are great for your hair and nails . If you want strong healthy nails and beautiful hair , make sure your eating lots of cucumbers . They are full of sulphur and silica which stimulates growth . 

9. Cucumbers can neutralize a hangover . If you have had one too many , eat a few cucumber slices before you go to bed . They contain enough sugar , electrolytes , and B vitamins to replenish your body of nutrients and reduce the impact of a hangover .

10. They keep your kidneys healthy . Cucumbers lower the level of uric acid in your body , and the high water levels flush your body of toxins , helping to keep your kidneys healthy and infections at bay .

Hope you enjoy eating cucumbers and make it a part of your healthy eating habits . Keep smiling and have a wonderful half term .

Love & Peace 

Monday, February 11, 2019

February Inspiration .. Great Hair , Means Eating Well !

Happy Monday !

Who's missing horse racing ?? It's come to a stand still in the UK because of equine influenza , hopefully it resumes on Wednesday , meanwhile all of us racing fans are feeling down and depressed because are favourite sport is no show and withdrawal symptoms are hitting us hard :)
But we still have other things in our life to occupy us . Beauty , family , food , fashion etc..
Hair is called our crowning glory and if there is one thing women love, its spending tons of money on hair products , shampoos , conditioners and anything basically which promises us lushes locks .
It does not cost the earth however if we decide to eat the right things which nourish our hair from the inside and give us the healthy hair we desire . Have you reached a certain age or just have the feeling that stress , lifestyle  is causing the  thinning of your locks ? Well I'm going to list all the right food you should be eating , to give you the hair you desire .

Hair requires a regular supply of protein , glucose , vitamins and minerals for health and growth . It is usually the first place to suffer if there is a deficiency !
Did you know eating Walnuts delays greying hair ? Walnuts are rich in body-boosting biotin , nourishing Vitamin E and naturally moisturizing Omega Oils . They also contain small traces of copper . This mineral plays a role in the production of melanin , the pigment that gives hair colour . A lack of copper is the cause of hair greying prematurely , so topping up your levels with a handful of walnuts will delay many trips to the colourists .
Lack of Iron is the most common cause of thinning hair . If levels are low , hair becomes starved , the growth phase stops and shedding occurs . Lean red meat is the best source of iron but lentils are very good as well .
Eggs for bounce and elasticity is super . Eggs contain hair boosting nutrients , including protein and Vitamins D and B . Biotin supports keratin production  to increase hairs elasticity and strength . So if your locks are prone to breakage tuck into an omelette !!
Oysters clear Dandruff . If you suffer a dry scalp, then the lack of zink is to blame . Zink helps maintain the function of the oil screating glands that surround hair follicles , so low levels can lead to dryness .Oysters , crab and lobster are the richest sources but pumpkin seeds are also excellent .
Porridge for Youth . Hair becomes more brittle and dull as we get older , and one of the reasons for this is falling silica levels . This mineral is important for helping to maintain hormonal balance . Oats are a wonderful source of silica . So why not eat a bowl of porridge every day .
Peppers for split ends . Vitamin C protects hair from radical damage . It's important for sebum and collagen production . Dry hair and split ends are signs you are not getting enough Vitamin C . Red peppers are a rich source of Vitamin C and so is oranges , strawberries , tomatoes and broccoli .

I hope this helps you in eating the right type of food ,
to nourish your hair and keep it looking great .
I love this quote and want to share it with you guys :)
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Have an awesome day and keep smiling . Remember no problem is too big to conquer have strength , courage and willpower .. keep striving ! 

Love & Peace

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February Delight .. Tasty Fish Curry !

Happy Tuesday !

It's February and if you are just wishing winter away YEAHHHH !!!! not long to go for March and an improvement in temperatures !  Easter comes pretty late this year almost at the end of April ... My birthday month and my eldest child's as well so lots to celebrate :)
But February brings us a very special holiday and I love Valentine's Day ! This year though is not about me trying to go out of my way to show loved ones how much I love them . I am going to make it about them proving how much I am loved ! Maybe it's about time we girls need to sit back and let these men do the proving . I love tattoos and I thought it's such a brilliant idea if your loved one makes this huge gesture and makes you forever marked on his body . Well only if he loves you and is not using you , like I have been used and played for years !
I show my kids how much I love them , by making sure I cook and feed them healthy good food every day . Food they love and enjoy and in years to come when I'm gone they will remember I loved to make them great food ! Food is always a way to a persons heart but well not everyone loves spicy food or rice and if you are unfortunate to meet a person who does not share your love of spicy things , what do you do ??? There are ways to get around that yes just make time to cook something else as well :) If he's worth it lol ... Just make sure it's healthy and good food .
But just to remind everyone , some butter and fat in your food is good for you and your brain . You need fat for your brain to be healthy and active ! It's the trans fat ,junk food so often which replaces a good home cooked meal which is bad for you ! Snacks between meals , you know what I'm talking about .. the packets of crisps , the cookies , the Chips , and chocolates and any amount of junk you shovel down your mouth .
Fruit salads , Veggie bowls are healthy and you could never go wrong with it . Eggs are great protein and very easy to wrestle up . Likewise fish is a great choice and depending on the fish alot of them contain fish oil ( the oily fish ) which is good for your brain and great for growing kids and elderly people . Well women who are pre-menopausal and feel like they are losing their memory and can't remember everything great choice fish !
So to get back to a great Meal choice for me and my kids is a Fish Curry with rice !! Yum def. a recipe to try , and I'm sharing the one I use , every week , with you all !

Fish Curry .

400 grms boneless pieces of fish
1 and a half cup of coriander leaves chopped up
2/3 tomatoes
1 onion , chopped up
8 cloves of garlic
5 green chilies
2 teaspoons of methi seeds ( fenugreek )
2 teaspoons of coriander powder
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
100 grms of oil

Marinate the fish in salt and turmeric powder for 15 mins or a little bit more
Shallow fry the fish and keep it aside
Blend the coriander leaves garlic and chilies together
Heat the oil ,fry your onions , then put in your paste and  fry for a couple of minutes till the oil separates
Add the tomatoes , methi seeds and the powdered masalas and fry for about 5/6 minutes
Add 2 cups of water and let the gravy bubble away till it comes to a boil
Then add the fish pieces and let it simmer for about 7 minutes .
Serve the curry hot , it's ready to eat .
You could add a squeeze of lemon for extra zest !!
Image result for pictures of fish curry

Happy cooking !!  And whatever you do , just  keep smiling , even if your boyfriend lover whatever he is , chooses to sit at the back of the bus with a couple of girls, even though half the front is empty and the excuse is a women with a small dog was sitting in the front yeah he's a jerk just get him to tattoo your name on his wrist and all is good :) Have an awesome day !

Love & Peace