Friday, March 29, 2019

March Favourites .. Foundations For Oily Skin !

Happy Friday !

May's deal has failed again for the third time , but the people are not allowed a second referendum vote .. lol how is this fair ?? But the world is not fair , just my opinion :)
Bought some cigarettes and noticed a message on the packet saying stop smoking you don't want to die and leave your family and friends ! I found this really funny , because now that people are living a little longer they are being forced to worked longer and retire much much later and with that we still don't have time for being around family or friends . Life is passing by and we can't do the things we want ! So smoke and try and be happy . if your destined to be old well that's what you will be !

This blog is about five great foundations for oily skin .
Oily skin, or a combination skin are one of the most problem skins to have. If we don't use a foundation that suits, too much oil or liquid in the formula will have our skin looking greasy and cakey. To get the job done we need a foundation designed especially to get the job done.

When it comes to foundations for oily skin, it's best to avoid crème based foundations or blushers. The oily residue contributes to greasy pores. Powder based ones allows oily skin to breathe. Finding a foundation which strikes the right balance of moisture to soothe skin while minimising oily residue.

The best foundations for oily skin to give you a perfect looking base!

1. Bourjois Air Matt Foundation
Costs a very reasonable 9.99 pounds. This airy mattifying base has tiny silica beads. It knocks out shine and replaces it with a healthy based glow. My personal favourite.

2. Bare Minerals Blemish Ready
Is in a super cute package. Mineral makeup is the best choice for those with acne or blemishes. Owing to its ability to camouflage spots in the most gentle way. Bare Minerals has added a shot of Tea Tree Oil to its popular foundation powder to create Blemish Remedy. It's a multi tasker, creating a velvet base and covering blemishes while working on the skin.

3. Rimmel Match Perfect Foundation
Will cover reelness and blemishes without looking mask like. It lasts long and absorbs surface oil as well as blurring the appearance of pores for the best part of the day. It's SPF 20 and it's bargain price. This foundation is regularly used backstage at beauty shoots. Definitely worth every penny.

4. Boots No.7 Beautifully Matte Foundation
Is a very good buy. Your makeup bag won't be complete if you don't own this one. It's great value, promises 12 hours shine free, and the formula balances oil production to keep your skin in top condition. No.7 has a match made service to find your perfect shade. The clever scanner will find you the right foundation to offer an incredibly close match to your skin.

5. Bobbi Brown Long Wear Even Finish Compact Foundation
Is perfect for your bag when you are away all day or on weekends. It comes with a sponge for precision application. The 10 shades are not too much choice, but all are very natural looking ones. This is great for touch-ups and on the go, and worth investing in. Great for oily skin.

Give these great foundations a try out . Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Monday, March 25, 2019

Five Positives To A Healthy Mind & Body !

Happy Monday !

My weekend was awesome .. I was adventurous , well it turned out to be insightful . Our life on this earth is always teaching us something  and we should learn and grow from all our experiences . I am happy and I always feel blessed , because I try to love and respect everyone I meet  . Well saying that everyone can feel down down and depressed but we should always look for positives .
I never stop thinking about and sending out positive vibes to all around me , and the world .
To help you all, feel better about yourself  lets start with just five days , in  the week when you do something nice for yourself . Something that will help you feel better and bring positive vibes to yourself.  Give yourself the other two days in the week a break .  Focus on this , doing something new , and try carrying it over over the weeks , to the next and the next . Healthy intentions to get your week going .

Monday : End your day with 15 minutes of meditation before you go to bed . Turn your lights very low , light a candle and some incense and close your eyes . Don't focus on any of the bad things of the day or the boring everyday you face . No try and think about one thing that maybe made you smile , or if somebody did something good for you . If that didn't happen , it can .. because life can be hum drum !! Focus then on a waterfall , the sound of birds a forest setting and you will start to feel peaceful !

Tuesday : Stop binge eating . Try not to snack on any junk food between meals . If you are hungry eat a piece of fruit . Eat well at your main meal , and have 2 lighter meals in the day . Try sticking with it , for at least 3/4 days in the week , and you will feel healthier .

Wednesday : Try to fit in some keep fit exercise . Yeah I know some of you have never done any exercise , and would feel awkward starting something now . Would you think your kids would laugh at you ? I remember my Mum never did any exercise , and it's weird to think of her doing some keep fit stuff . But it's never too late for anyone to begin , especially with so much of processed junk food being sold cheaply , and somehow it, never satisfy's your hunger , like a good home cooked meal , does . My kids are so used to seeing me doing my keep fit routine , they don't bat an eyelid . My youngest did ask me Mum  "why do you , do so much exercise , you are not fat ?" I just said well Mama likes to stay fit , and nobody should wait to turn fat to start getting active !

Thursday : Give yourself , a nice facial .. scrub your face use a face mask . Soak in the bath , and then lavish tons of body cream all over your body .Don't miss a spot and remember pamper your feet the most . We use it to walk our whole lifetime , it supports our whole body weight . It needs to look good and feel soft . Should not be rough and unloved .

Friday : One day in the week , we should give up meat . Is that really hard ? It gives the body a good cleanse and has us revved up to eat meat the next day ! There are really good alternatives , Fish is absolutely awesome , eggs can make a great wholesome dish . Vegetables are so healthy and there are some great vegetarian recipes available to make your meal so , so tasty . I shall in the coming weeks put up some great vegetarian dishes for you all to make and try .

Okay , so that's , five awesome ways to make your week healthy and peaceful for your mind and body . Give it a try and keep smiling . Hugs xx

Remember we have to make ourselves happy nobody is going to run around trying to make sure you have the best life we are responsible for ourselves .

Love & Peace

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March Favourites .. Gemstones & Crystals !

Happy Tuesday !

The weather is slowly improving , and the dark grey weather strong stormy winds and heavy rain is all blowing away but inspite of all the promising weather coming can it also turn and change our grey dark disposition ? All of us suffer with depression , anxiety at some point in our life and mine is slowly kicking in now again if I haven't been up and cheerful , I promise I am trying my best to crawl out of this dark space ! Gemstones and crystals are said to be very helpful also promises luck, we all need that. Maybe we need that more than just cheering ourselves up .Some need it more than others but we all desperately need it in different areas of our lives. Some need it for money, for protection, peace of mind, good health, luck in business, for advancement in your career, for energy, for a better relationship etc.
But if you ask me, so how are we supposed to get all this luck ? For all the different and varied reasons listed above . I would tell you to turn towards crystals and gemstones. The easiest way to find good luck , is by carrying crystals. Gemstones carry living energy and each one has many different metaphysical and healing properties. Luck is part of the energy of many stones. It's good to experiment to see which gemstone feels good for you , when you hold them in your hand.The gemstone helps change the life force around you and how it can re-enforce good luck in your life .
Recently, even Victoria Beckham revealed she carries crystals in her bag for good energy and luck.

Today I want to say crystals and gemstones are positive things ,bringing good energy, so carrying around one in your bag or keeping a few around your house are very healing. Go ahead and get yourself one for starters. I have always admired the power of crystals and gemstones and proudly own a few, and yes, even I have one in my bag at all times. On a full moon night, put them out for cleansing - it's spiritual!
I shall list a few important gemstones & crystals but if you are looking for something particular, I'm sure you would find it on the net.

1) Need luck in making your dreams come true -- Amethyst or Amazonite.
2) Need luck in your career - Garnet
3) For luck in getting rid of your worries - Aquamarine or Sodalite
4) For luck in marriage or love, a true love stone - Rose Quartz or Emerald
5) For protection - Agate
6) For double luck in any situation - Tourmaline
7) For depression & anxiety - Citrine, Sunstone  and the Smoky Quartz is a great place to find a huge amount of crystals & gemstones. As well as any new age store in your city should stock them . Lighting incense also prevents negative energy in your surrounding and helps lift your spirits .

Have an awesome day and keep smiling

Love & Peace

Thursday, March 14, 2019

March Goals .. Get Healthy & Live Cleaner !

Happy Thursday !

Cheltenham is in full swing and I am enjoying the racing . Paisley Park was the highlight of the day and my heart was racing so hard . Aiden Coleman is a magnificent jockey and I was never in doubt he could get Paisley Park across the line . I was so happy and things couldn't be better .. feeling blessed Hope all you guys had a fantastic ,energising day and you now are relaxed and ready to enjoy reading this blog . I'm just going to give you 4 easy ways which could help you, eat healthier and cleaner .
Being healthy is not all about cutting out calories and losing weight . By getting cleaner you could feel more energised and get fitter .

Here's how you could do it :

1 .Stop with Processed Food : One of the easiest ways is , to get rid of the processed food altogether .That means all those ready made meals you eat . Go for healthy options like cooking vegetables from scratch . Occasionally an indulgence is fine but cleaning up your daily diet ensures better health and weight loss . Use in cooking natural whole foods with names you can pronounce !

2 .Eat More Produce , Fruit and Vegetables : If you are not sure how to snack , always go for produce rich in fiber like fresh fruit and veggies which will keep you fuller longer . Just like we have to retrain our bodies to stop craving the salt and sugar , soon you will find your body begging for all the produce once you start eating it consistently .  These are cravings we should welcome with open arms .
Image result for pictures of fruits and vegetables

3 .Skip the Added Sugars : If your taste buds have been overloaded with sugar in the past , it's high time to clean things up . Natural sugars from fruit is what your looking for on a clean eating plan , the white sugars that go into baked goods is what your looking to avoid . If you are a dessert junkie , don't indulge everyday go for a smaller portion not more than twice a week .

4 .Cut The Salt : Learning to relish the natural flavours of what your eating is a big step in cleaning up your eating habits . Salt manages to sneak it's way into a lot of packaged food ,as well as bread , cottage cheese and cereal . Cut down on your salt consumption and it naturally cuts down any bloating in your body , as well as any risk for cardiovascular diseases , strokes and other illnesses .

Get started soon , don't wait for next week ,next month , next year ! No the sooner you get started the longer you will live ! The goal of everyone to live forever sadly that's a pipe dream but being healthy and living long is very attainable ! Oh yes if Mrs. May can have her deal voted for again and again in Parliament , why is it impossible for the people to get a 2nd referendum vote ?  STOP brexit NOW !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Monday, March 11, 2019

March 8th .. International Woman's Day . I Did Not Celebrate !

Happy Monday !

A few days ago on the 8th of March , the world celebrated Woman's Day ! All my friend's posted great pictures of all the parties they attended but I didn't give it a mention and neither did I feel pleased about the day . It didn't empower me International Women's Day , this farce of a day. Why is this day celebrated world wide ? From where I'm sitting and seeing the world , Women don't get a fair deal in any section of life , and as much as everyone feels we need to celebrate this day , it feels so false to me . It would be a bigger celebration if we valued ,respected and adored women all year round and made everyday Women's Day !

Woman is the whole integral part of the human race . Without our mother's choice in bringing us into this world , there would be no human population . Woman has difficulty in carrying the child in her womb ( pregnancy ) and giving birth ( yes it's not a walk in the park ,lol ) this new life ,another human .  Then we expect the woman ,after a few weeks to jump back into her career , and dump the baby in a creche , because if she wants to earn money ,that's what she should do !! How old fashioned is that ?? Very backward, imo !

I am a very ,very modern WOMAN . For me any choice the mother makes should be respected and that means if she chooses to be a stay at home MUM , how about paying her a full time salary ? It is a career option for women who work at a creche ! Taking care of everyone ,and your babies !! People find the word stay at home MUM as a nothing ,which bothers me the most . Don't Mum's have the biggest responsibility in bringing up baby?  Cooking nourishing warm meals , bringing  baby back from school . Seeing Mama's face after a long day at school . It was the best thing for me, seeing my Mum's face after school ! Her serving me , my warm meal , when I came home from school . We chatted at the table about my day at school . Still if I am sick or tired or fed up with life , I lie down and bring back memories of my Mum , talking to her it's so reassuring, even though she's not in this world with me, I feel warm and better immediately . I wonder , how children growing up with a Mum , who goes off to work actually feels like in their later years ? Lonely & depressed !

Women need equal rights , in all choices and a full salary that a creche , pays their employee . Why should a mother not earn money as well ? She does the same job as a creche worker . She does not even work to fixed hours . I am so not impressed with Women's day , it's a farce , like alot of things in this world are .
Women are not equal to men . In just four astonishing basic facts ,allow me to tell you below , this is besides my point of view all of the above .

1. One in three women around the world , are physically or sexually assaulted at some point in their life . I'll tell you why ! Because Men feel they are superior and can do it . If they respected a woman , they would not !

2. Women around the world spend more hours a  day working ,without pay , than Men do !

3. One in thirty women have given birth before she turned 18  . Which is appalling , a girl in my opinion should be minimum 24 or over . Which is still young !

4. The USA is only one of nine countries that doesn't provide paid maternity leave. How shocking is that ?? So instead of pretending to celebrate Woman's Day , next year how about trying to just make things alot better for the Woman everyday !

Woman , she is your Mother , your sister ( not that my brother cares !! You do get creeps around ) your Child . She is your wife , your cousin , your friend , your relatives . Please be a good person . Women face alot of adversity . Give every Woman , a feeling of being loved appreciated and respected .
I love you all . Hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and try to be happy . I doubt the plight of women will change any time soon , but if our next generation get wise and stop having  babies and the population falls rapidly , change will come around .  There is hope . God bless xx

Love & Peace

Monday, March 4, 2019

March Favourites ... Mascara & Some Advice !

Happy Monday !

The weather has honestly shifted and winter is back with a vengeance . The high winds ice cold rain and yes it's bitterly cold, well the winds do nothing to help !  Still we must not let the cold dampen our spirits and allow ourselves to still indulge in some make up to make ourselves look and feel good .

Today I have picked out five absolutely fabulous mascaras to give your lashes the WOW factor . I remember recently walking into the druggist to buy myself some mascara but had to give up because I was so dazzled by the huge variety of mascaras and just could not make up my mind which one was suitable . Remember if you walk in with something in mind it's much easier making a choice .

No. 1 Rimmel Wonder'Lash Lift Me UP Mascara is perfect . This scented one with a whiff of cucumber really wakes up those lash and gives it a natural awesome look . Very reasonably priced and completely affordable !

No. 2 Benefit They're Real . it has a real good formula and does wonders for short stubby lashes . The effect after one use will make you a convert . It's been around for a couple of years and it continuously remains a best seller . Available online at  A bit pricey at around 27 dollars but worth it !

No. 3 Eyeko Lash Alert is a mascara for unruly lashes it contains shea butter , biotin and caffeine all of which hydrate nourish and stimulate the lashes . Available online from for around 26 dollars .

No.4 Maybelline Volum"Express The Colossal .. full fan effect I love Maybelline products and this one applies and lifts like a high end product . The wand is true to its name and two coats alone gets the job done , so you can imagine how beautifully the product builds . if you are a busy woman and looking for a glam look this is the product for you ! Very reasonably priced and available at all drug stores .

No. 5   L'O'real  Paris Voluminous Million Lashes Mascara . Do you know what's just as good as a solid mascara this beautiful mascara with packaging so bright that when you walk into the drugstore and forget the mascaras name you could always spot it among the hundreds of others . This is a great everyday go to mascara . It lengthens the lashes without making them clumpy and the price is just right . There you go with my five favourites . Don't forget to try them out next time you need a new mascara .

Remember to update your mascaras often , don't go longer than three to four months using it . Have an awesome day and keep smiling . A word of advice you make friends , you lose some as well but the right ones stay forever . Oh and never allow anyone to bully you into saying something you don't want too . Age is a private matter and over 30 it doesn't really matter what milestone you are at . It's when you appear beautiful and young that jealousy gets women bitchy and obsessive to know what's your age . Don't give into bullies harassing you to find out what's yours . I just had a nasty experience with four bullies who just wouldn't give up . I'm traumatised , but alive :)

Remember when you say NO once it should be good enough , walk away from people who can't take the word NO they are uneducated and probably lead troubled lives . And NO once in any situation counts be it sex , alcohol, drugs , kissing , sending naked selfies or even getting you to eat more cake if you don't want too . Never be bullied . Live your life for yourself not for somebody else . Keep smiling .

Love & Peace