Thursday, March 14, 2019

March Goals .. Get Healthy & Live Cleaner !

Happy Thursday !

Cheltenham is in full swing and I am enjoying the racing . Paisley Park was the highlight of the day and my heart was racing so hard . Aiden Coleman is a magnificent jockey and I was never in doubt he could get Paisley Park across the line . I was so happy and things couldn't be better .. feeling blessed Hope all you guys had a fantastic ,energising day and you now are relaxed and ready to enjoy reading this blog . I'm just going to give you 4 easy ways which could help you, eat healthier and cleaner .
Being healthy is not all about cutting out calories and losing weight . By getting cleaner you could feel more energised and get fitter .

Here's how you could do it :

1 .Stop with Processed Food : One of the easiest ways is , to get rid of the processed food altogether .That means all those ready made meals you eat . Go for healthy options like cooking vegetables from scratch . Occasionally an indulgence is fine but cleaning up your daily diet ensures better health and weight loss . Use in cooking natural whole foods with names you can pronounce !

2 .Eat More Produce , Fruit and Vegetables : If you are not sure how to snack , always go for produce rich in fiber like fresh fruit and veggies which will keep you fuller longer . Just like we have to retrain our bodies to stop craving the salt and sugar , soon you will find your body begging for all the produce once you start eating it consistently .  These are cravings we should welcome with open arms .
Image result for pictures of fruits and vegetables

3 .Skip the Added Sugars : If your taste buds have been overloaded with sugar in the past , it's high time to clean things up . Natural sugars from fruit is what your looking for on a clean eating plan , the white sugars that go into baked goods is what your looking to avoid . If you are a dessert junkie , don't indulge everyday go for a smaller portion not more than twice a week .

4 .Cut The Salt : Learning to relish the natural flavours of what your eating is a big step in cleaning up your eating habits . Salt manages to sneak it's way into a lot of packaged food ,as well as bread , cottage cheese and cereal . Cut down on your salt consumption and it naturally cuts down any bloating in your body , as well as any risk for cardiovascular diseases , strokes and other illnesses .

Get started soon , don't wait for next week ,next month , next year ! No the sooner you get started the longer you will live ! The goal of everyone to live forever sadly that's a pipe dream but being healthy and living long is very attainable ! Oh yes if Mrs. May can have her deal voted for again and again in Parliament , why is it impossible for the people to get a 2nd referendum vote ?  STOP brexit NOW !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

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