Monday, March 25, 2019

Five Positives To A Healthy Mind & Body !

Happy Monday !

My weekend was awesome .. I was adventurous , well it turned out to be insightful . Our life on this earth is always teaching us something  and we should learn and grow from all our experiences . I am happy and I always feel blessed , because I try to love and respect everyone I meet  . Well saying that everyone can feel down down and depressed but we should always look for positives .
I never stop thinking about and sending out positive vibes to all around me , and the world .
To help you all, feel better about yourself  lets start with just five days , in  the week when you do something nice for yourself . Something that will help you feel better and bring positive vibes to yourself.  Give yourself the other two days in the week a break .  Focus on this , doing something new , and try carrying it over over the weeks , to the next and the next . Healthy intentions to get your week going .

Monday : End your day with 15 minutes of meditation before you go to bed . Turn your lights very low , light a candle and some incense and close your eyes . Don't focus on any of the bad things of the day or the boring everyday you face . No try and think about one thing that maybe made you smile , or if somebody did something good for you . If that didn't happen , it can .. because life can be hum drum !! Focus then on a waterfall , the sound of birds a forest setting and you will start to feel peaceful !

Tuesday : Stop binge eating . Try not to snack on any junk food between meals . If you are hungry eat a piece of fruit . Eat well at your main meal , and have 2 lighter meals in the day . Try sticking with it , for at least 3/4 days in the week , and you will feel healthier .

Wednesday : Try to fit in some keep fit exercise . Yeah I know some of you have never done any exercise , and would feel awkward starting something now . Would you think your kids would laugh at you ? I remember my Mum never did any exercise , and it's weird to think of her doing some keep fit stuff . But it's never too late for anyone to begin , especially with so much of processed junk food being sold cheaply , and somehow it, never satisfy's your hunger , like a good home cooked meal , does . My kids are so used to seeing me doing my keep fit routine , they don't bat an eyelid . My youngest did ask me Mum  "why do you , do so much exercise , you are not fat ?" I just said well Mama likes to stay fit , and nobody should wait to turn fat to start getting active !

Thursday : Give yourself , a nice facial .. scrub your face use a face mask . Soak in the bath , and then lavish tons of body cream all over your body .Don't miss a spot and remember pamper your feet the most . We use it to walk our whole lifetime , it supports our whole body weight . It needs to look good and feel soft . Should not be rough and unloved .

Friday : One day in the week , we should give up meat . Is that really hard ? It gives the body a good cleanse and has us revved up to eat meat the next day ! There are really good alternatives , Fish is absolutely awesome , eggs can make a great wholesome dish . Vegetables are so healthy and there are some great vegetarian recipes available to make your meal so , so tasty . I shall in the coming weeks put up some great vegetarian dishes for you all to make and try .

Okay , so that's , five awesome ways to make your week healthy and peaceful for your mind and body . Give it a try and keep smiling . Hugs xx

Remember we have to make ourselves happy nobody is going to run around trying to make sure you have the best life we are responsible for ourselves .

Love & Peace

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