Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mid Wives Strike

Strikes !!! I am always a supporter of strikes , because I believe people  need to stand up and say this is not except-able and we want to have a voice and say so ! Protest all you need too but I don't think 4 hours will make much of a statement .
What I'm talking about is the Mid-wives going on strike tomorrow the  13th of October for 4 hours ,Because the pay rise of 1 % they requested was turned down !!! YES the 1 % pay rise ...I'm laughing because nobody asks  for 1% dammit , they are very well in their rights to go for a minimum of 13 to 15 % and not feel BAD , but that 1% was refused !!! Today's wages are a disgrace ,nobody can survive and the middle class people are suffering . Mid wives have a very important job in society and so do nurses and all health care etc . Even the wealthy need a mid wife to help, be on hand to push out that rich baby . Imagine if they never showed up to work at all , what a catastrophe that would be !! They should strike for atleast 4/5 days , to  make a deference .. The government can step in and help the women give birth ;)
Even mid wives like to dress well , you know not everyone lives in hoodies or tracksuits and cheap rubbish they too would love to buy clothes from Top Shop and Zara but where do they generally shop Yes the trusty Budget shop Primark . No they cannot  afford to run a house , pay bills ,look after, the kids needs and live on that meager pay packet . And we are not even going into the  food costs every week . No there is no Beef Steak , No Salmon , forget crabs and fresh prawns every week ,forget even feeding the family some delicious OX tail , have you seen what that costs ?? So it's off to the budget supermarkets and sometimes even 3 supermarkets to make sure money can  stretch , What a sad life, and doing the most important job of all ...making sure the next generation are born into this world safely , without screwing up the delivery . Oh yes they also have to endure women who are shouting with pain , cursing ,angry ,feeling wretched and all with a smile and a calm face and a soothing voice . Oh don't forget they have to see an open vagina put their hand in blood and hhhmmm and 99% of the time if you're pushing hard enough you are going to shit out the other end as well , I wonder who has to clean that up  and smell it ??? Yes THE MID WIFE !!!
Give her a Decent Salary , you know she loves that job or she won't be doing it , I would not even consider being a mid wife ..No I  don't want to see all that ,lol ... I have great respect for Mid wives and all health care workers .
Wherever you are in your day , I hope you're smiling and mid wives I will say a special prayer for you all , keep doing the good job you're doing because I LOVE YOU ALL :)      

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