Thursday, November 13, 2014

OMG !! Has it really been a couple of weeks that I wrote something ?? Time does fly by , it's grown wings taken to the skies and it's almost Christmas again . I so remember Christmas last year with such fond memories It truly was one of the best Christmases ever . I told my daughter watch ,soon before you know it it's going to be May and like the wind ,it's going to be Christmas again ! My words feel justified , Christmas is almost upon us, where did all that time go ? It seems like the older we get , the faster the years fly by . I'm not ready , hang on, I should have saved money lol .. Does anybody nowadays ?? Unlikely, too many commitments shoved upon us . As a single mother with 3 children I am bound to feel the pressure of making sure Christmas is the best thing in the world and it's a special day for everyone . My childhood memories of Christmas are the best ever and I'm trying to build wonderful strong memories of Christmas for my 3 children . Christmas is ofcourse special being Catholic , first and foremost it's Our Lord Jesus's Birthday . Just as much as I love celebrating my birthday and the birth of my children , Jesus's birth is a very special day for us !
But even before it's Christmas , there are 2 special occasions to celebrate my little boy's birthday and Thanksgiving . I know I love to celebrate it , it's such a wonderful thing ,because I like to give thanks for the blessed year I had . My children and I feel grateful to have a roof over our heads , food in our tummies and I managed to pay all our bills ,AWESOME !!! Yes , I cook a special meal get the kids seated, and with a few friends we all talk about all our blessings and how wonderful it is to have made it through the year .. because yes plain sailing as we would all love things to be , seldom life is .. but Hurrah I'm still here , sometimes feeling depressed but trying to conquer everything and progress . Well Cheers to some special occasions coming up and to everyone else struggling with everyday issues , stay strong ..things always work out . After the rain , the sun always shines ! Stay blessed and have an awesome day .

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