Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sunday , A day of Rest .

Hi everybody ,  I hope your weekend is off to a great start and you all have something planned ! Actually I know most weekends I have nothing planned . I love to relax with the children , watch them play Xbox games sometimes join in with them on the second controller , well only if its a game that I like !!
Weekends I often find, is the time when I put on a wash,  hang it up, do some ironing , work out ,go jogging and of course listen to Radio 1 . I also make sure to relax,  lie in the bath and even cook an awesome Sunday dinner . The kids have their baths early , do homework some reading and a board game is also fitted in . Well it's a hectic Sunday , forgot to mention a big brunch is cooked at mid day and we make sure to sit down for it .
Now how many people would think , something is missing from that Sunday list of to-do's . It's something I always managed to fit into my Sundays ." Sunday Church Service" . I always went, when I lived in all those other countries . Here in England, I go but not regularly , well I always want to go !! I do trek down to Church once or twice at least to pray and light candles . I miss it on most Sundays, because everyone is very enthusiastic during the sign of peace when normally all over the world people fold their hands together and nod to each other with a smile . My local congregation, a bunch of elderly people who attend get out of their seats come down the aisles shake hands kiss you on the cheeks, oh my it's a whole lot of touching and I would rather keep my hands to myself . I am a germa phobic , and with all the winter flu , bugs and viruses going around , I would rather not touch anybody . So I can't possibly tell all these elderly lovely people who like me very much ,please don't touch me ! Yeah I feel bad and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings .
So my Sunday at home , has moments when I pray and still feel close to Jesus .
How do you spend your Sundays ? I wish it was a little bit more formal and anybody who wanted to attend could without a second thought , no hand contact involved but sadly so it is !  How is it at your church ? Would love to hear , I know I have a lot of views from the USA and other countries . Tell me your experience in the comments below . If you don't go to Church at all , that's okay . God never judged anyone . I must include a line from the bible about never judging "Let him without sin ,  cast the first stone "
Have a wonderful Sunday , whatever you may be doing .
Bye , #peace&love

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