Thursday, November 20, 2014

The lies we tell ourselves !

Hi everybody ,hope you all had a good day . How often after a long day ,you love to unwind and go out for a night on the tiles . We all like that , but we also tell ourselves all these little lies before we decide to go out . Oh yeah ,lets be thrifty and have some pre drinks before we go out  . Chances are we'll just have fallen asleep on the sofa and woken up at 4.30 thinking damn ,I didn't go out :) . The other thing I'll just wear on my highest heel it hurts a bit now because I'm trekking all around the house, once I'm out I'll be fine ! It's never so. We just suck it up, because it hurts and kills the feet ! The thing about travelling light . I don't need this huge handbag for a night out . I'll just jam everything into this tiny little bag . It  just explodes when touched , the zip doesn't lock and some things have fallen out before we get home . What  we always promise ourselves "I will not talk about work , I will not talk about work " and then all we do, is chat about work ,and everyone who works there !! Then  we imagine no young people will be out , because legally they aren't allowed there ! But yeah 1996 if we do the maths , Yes , Yes they are legal ,18 years old . OMG , I feel really , really OLD :)) It's not their fault , so we just have to be nice !! Last but not least how many of us have stuck a tenner down our bra , to be certain we could have a cab ride back home at 3 am .Yeah at 3 am it's not there and we have our hand down our dress, investigating our boobs , like we thought it was a good idea to give ourselves a health check out on the road . The promise to ourselves is the other thing we will not text him , also turns out to be a failure . Next day just don't check those texts and please don't reply back even if he has replied .
Okay if  you have done all that and can still laugh about it , You are not alone ,tons of others are also guilty .
Have a wonderful day tomorrow ,a good night's rest and stay blessed .

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