Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Feeling Thankful :)

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day,  hope it's been good for you made you smile , chuckle ,happy, joyous or just plain lucky and fortunate . So Cheers we have another day behind us and with tomorrow being Thanksgiving , we have a whole day, to reflect on our year and give thanks that it all worked out . We have our little families and it's okay .
It's been a good year for me , my children are all a year older , they are happy ,healthy and intelligent so God has blessed me , I feel grateful ,thankful and fortunate . Okay so it's just me and my kids , but we are happy together . Maybe not everyone is so fortunate , but they have fortune in other ways . God didn't leave anyone out of blessings . Maybe we don't always see our blessings but they are there !
Maybe you have an extended family , which I don't have . Parents , Aunts , Brothers , Sisters . What does sadden me is my Mother no longer walks this earth , she shares a home in heaven with Jesus, but my dad still lives , but yet , No , I haven't seen him in 6 years . Yes that is very long ! I long to see him again , for my children to meet him and know their Grandpa . Life though is not so kind . He lives very ,very far away from me in another country , and much as I'd love to visit ,a single mother with 3 children ,Yeah makes it impossible .No I wouldn't dream of travelling alone and leaving the kids out of the holiday , it would be pretty mean . Seeing as 6 years ago when I did see him , I went alone because my Mum passed away and one airfare was all I could afford :( My money always has to be used for other things , emergencies ,essentials , bills , food , rent , clothes transport and knocking up 4 air fares is out of the question .Oh yes and then the question of where would we stay even if we could get there . My dad only lives in a very small flat :( So that would mean even more money for a hotel ! While my father grows older my reality is I will probably never see him again . A loss for my kids who don't know him . He is a charismatic ,intelligent man , a great story teller , who told us the most amazing spell binding stories when we were children , and often I wished my children had the luck to know their grandfather and their grandmother .Maybe one day it will happen ??? We never get what we want , but we should always be grateful for what we have and surely one day we shall get what we want ,within reason.
So while this Thanksgiving rolls around tomorrow ,I give thanks for all my small blessings and hopeful that next year is better than this one , and I pray the same for each of you . Have a great day .
Happy Thanksgiving ..bye for now , peace&love

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