Friday, November 28, 2014

Gun Rights ??

Hello everyone , wherever you are in your day I hope your smiling , had a very good thanksgiving and feel peaceful ! Did you eat enough to feel so stuffed you forgot to save some room for pie :) ? I had a blessed day , even managed to stay up so late the dessert didn't go begging ,lol .. Very satisfying !!
But of course being a keen reader and browsing alot and keeping up with the news ,you can't fail to notice all the unrest and trouble happening in Ferguson . Cars were set alight ,clashes in the street, yes it all makes me sad to see the world ,instead of moving forward we have all gone back in time when  black people feel they still don't have respect and rights . When I heard about the incident in August I was very saddened , as much as I am Pro guns and I like the fact that Gun rights in America exist ( here in England Guns are outlawed ) I still feel we should not be using guns to shoot down people . That Cop in my opinion had no right whatsoever to shoot and kill . I believe 6 gunshots were fired which left Michael Brown dead !!  Police in possession of guns should only be allowed to shoot below the waist on the legs . Should they kill I believe they are trigger happy and should lose their job and career . Nobody should take another's life . You would wonder why ,if I feel that way , do I support guns ? Well guns should be used for protection and it would 100% make anybody feel safe . A gun in my opinion never killed anybody ,it's the person who pulls the trigger that is the bad guy and responsible . I had a very , very dear friend who lives in the USA and supports Gun rights and is a keen gun enthusiast with a licence . Him being an avid fan and often on the range, of course he doesn't take nicely to any comments on his shooting skills lol .. Did I just happen to mention after somebody else did first , that the bullet holes seemed to be in the wrong places , on a photograph .  It upset him greatly, because without another word he cut me out of his life . I did apologise but unfortunately he ignored me completely . So why am I saying this ? Just because he knew I liked him very much and would not go out to hurt him . I thought he liked me equally because, just weeks before he told me we'd always be friends . So of course with sadness I have come to accept we are no longer friends , but his anger and cutting me off makes me think , should people who get angry have guns ? How safe are guns ? People can be pushed very easily . Guns should not be taken lightly . As an example that Police Officer should have been stripped of his Gun , his job and told shooting irresponsibly is a crime and an offence . Did the Jury clear him ? Serious mistake ! RIP Michael Brown , No matter how bad Michael was that policeman took the law into his own hand . Which common people are not allowed , why is he above everyone else and the law ?  I hope things settle in Ferguson but as much as I love the USA and dreamed about one day living there , I nowadays appreciate my lovely home in England . I no more dream about moving to the USA . I will travel more there , for sure if and when I can , I love American people , they are bold and loud , I love their family values , sense of humor .. I think I am alot like them in many ways :) The best being they are not shy to be religious . Out here in England and Europe more and more people are becoming Atheists and proud to exclaim it , that's very sad :(  . I have religion , Roman Catholic and I don't care who knows it !Cheers !
Have an awesome day ahead . Thank you for reading this , bye for now #peace&love

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