Monday, November 24, 2014

Ways to Eat Smart .

Good afternoon my friends and fellow bloggers I hope your Monday was not so hectic and you are looking forward to an amazing week . With hopes to accomplish great things and make a start to eating healthy and smart instead of the focus being on losing weight !
When you have positive goals ,and choose foods high in nutrition you will feel energised , clean and lean !

Stay hydrated with alkaline water .
Squeeze lemon or lime into your water which promotes alkalinity and ward off diseases . It promotes bright eyes and skin and offers a dose of Vitamin C.

Add protein to your morning meal .
To stay fuller longer and feel stronger through to lunchtime , egg whites , linseed bread smoked salmon and cottage cheese pancakes ,oatmeal porridge are all great alternatives to jam & toast , sweetened yoghurts and cereals .

Eat a portion of leafy green vegetables everyday .
eg. spinach , kale , watercress . This gets your digestion back on track and restores vital vitamins and minerals which you might have lost with a hectic weekend :)

Soup is your friend .
If you have partied too hard , get back on track with vegetables based soups that contain no dairy . This will re hydrate you and restore electrolytes that can be lost after consuming  alcohol .It also fills you up and you are less likely to snack on a packet of chips :)

Well I hope this short blog helps you to eat smart . Have a great day and thank you for reading this . Bye xx

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