Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Avant Garde, Glamorous and Small Time!

Happy Wednesday,

So it's March, the third month of the year. Where are all the days going? Too fast for me!! But there is Spring to look forward to, my birthday in April, which is always a great month for me :)

But if you were hoping for a ''snow day'' to come sooner it's still holding out, lol. Although the weather raport says it's possible in the week, but I think it's highly unlikely. Heavy snow and transport down, not going to happen!

You know, at this time of the year there is always more things to lug around then we would like. I think I have already lost three pairs of gloves and right now I'm just using one which is really Christmassy with sparkles etc. Yes, Christmas made a big dent in my wallet but you know it's okay to Google all these ''Winter Breaks'' and imagine you are in some Ski Chalet having an awesome good time with ''Gluk Wine'', some ''Cheese Fondue'' and toasted marshmellows. Hmm, all those rich people who can afford breaks and the luxury of ''No Worries'' well, God Bless them, because life is a cycle and good things do come to ''Patient'' people!

Did you all get to see the Oscar speech of Leo DiCaprio? He took the time to bash the greedy politicians, the coperate world, etc. etc. But is he in a place to talk? I think actors are over-paid and completely greedy, maybe it's time they lived on salaries as everyone else. Don't accept freebies from companies and actually do something to this Earth. How about actively campaining against war and unnecesary Military equipment which costs billions, yet there is none going to the welfare of citizens and budgets being cut all the time! We are killing the enviroment, with wards, polution, and unhealthy options.

Let's make it our busines in this world to promote love & peace. Goodwill and kind gestures towards our fellow human beings, because no matter how smart you think you are, there is somebody smarter than you laughing in the corner. Have humility and God will bless you. One of my favorite quotes from Buddha is, ''What you think, you become. What you feel, you will attract. And what you imagine, you create!''

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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