Monday, October 10, 2016

Depression? Talk About It #WMHD

Happy 10th of October, #mentalhealthday

 Today internationally celebrated is world mental health day. Since 1992 this day is regarded world wide because more and more people suffer with depression and feel afraid to come out and say it. Don't suffer in silence. Speak up, you. Yes you deserve to be happy . Today even Prince William & Catherine came out to support their charity and mark world mental health day.
 Depression can come upon you at any time, it does not favor a certain group of people, it can inflict itself on anyone rich, or poor. If you are feeling vulnerable, depression can make your situation feel far worse. There is always a solution. Talk about it and seek some help. Most often talking can make you feel much better. The trick is finding the right people to talk to.
 Recently while I was chatting with a friend, he remarked that he knew someone who didn't want to work. I knew she had a baby recently so I suggested maybe she was depressed and not up to it. A very flippant reply came, the baby had been born a year ago. Well depression can last a couple of years after the baby in case nobody knows. Find the right people, don't let people make you feel bad, you know best how you feel. Look for another group and always make sure you list the things that make you feel happy and do each one to take your mind off the root of your trouble that is bringing you down.
  We have just heard about Tyson Fury who has been diagnosed. His uncle just said on telly, ''I don't know, he has money, a nice house -- everything. I don't know why.'' Let me just say it could be a small thing. Maybe he doesn't want to be defeated in his next fight. Maybe he's more vulnerable than you think. He needs to be good in his sport to keep making money and he probably thinks he's not going to be good for long. We don't know what bothers him, but it's big for him. Don't belittle people's depression. It's a very real thing.

 Today, try and give support to your friends, family, anyone you know who has depression. Be kindly and listen, always be supportive. People take their lives because they are not heard. Always remember if you take your life, it's not an escape from this world. We are souls on a journey and we have to come back and most often face a much more difficult life than the one we had before. There is no escape. My mother always said suicide is the cowards way out. Be brave and face your demons because somebody can be there for you.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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