Saturday, December 3, 2016

Fashion & Politics - Don't Mix!

Happy Saturday!

So fashion designers are refusing to dress Melania Trump. One even tweeted an open letter asking other fashion designers to snub Melania. This is absurd, since when have fashion designers had their head in politics? A fashion designer is supposed to dress their clients as long as they can afford to buy their overpriced pieces. Fashion and politics don't mix. I wish they didn't behave in this fashion(sic). But to react to Melania because of Donald is being hypocritical (they think Donald Trump is biased etc.) but aren't they judging and doing the same thing! Or is it because they designed a whole season of pant suits and now they don't know what the hell to do with their collection. Melania is too classy and stylish to be using their designs anyways. I bet there will be a whole queue of designers wanting to dress the new first lady of America. So the ones who turn away it's their loss. The lesson we should take away from this is, don't judge people. If you have a job, do it. Rewards will come from getting work completed.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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