Monday, June 19, 2017

Happy Father's Day - Dad's Are Special!

Happy Sunday & Happy Father's Day!

June is a special month because we get to think about the man who helped bring us into the world although Mum actually carries the baby and gives birth she made this baby with the special person we grow up calling Dad or Papa or whatever  Dad is in the many languages on this planet earth . Dad's are special because the genes we carry are more inherited from Dad's than from Mum . We also take on our father's surname at birth and he is generally the person we know who keeps the roof above our heads pays the bills etc . Although with changing times all that I'm saying will have everyone up in arms because Mum's do all that now without help from Dad's in some circumstances.

Still growing up Dad's play a vital role in our lives because they are there ... see I'm struggling well let's just say my dad worked a lot we didn't see him that much but he always took us to the movies on Sunday , we had trips to the zoo and he loved telling us stories which he made up on the spot . I was introduced to books at a very early age and I enjoyed nothing more than reading & more reading. He was religious and I grew up with a strong Catholic faith and I have my Dad to thank for that. He spent a couple of years in the Seminary studying to be a Jesuit priest but always felt strongly about having a family, so he left and married my Mum and started a family. When we were little he continued serving God by doing Charitable good work and spreading the word of God . I am pleased to say I have met Mother Teresa on many occasions and received her blessings as well . Blessed to say I have also seen Pope John Paul 2nd as well , all because I have an awesome Dad .

Happy Father's Day to my Dad I miss him dearly but not because he's departed this world but because he lives very very far away from me and I haven't seen him in a long time . We have grown apart and as much as I always made the effort to go see my Mum when she was alive I had a close bond with Mum I don't do that with my Dad . I have different priorities , as a single Mum with kids .. my Dad didn't approve the separation as a Catholic he believed 2 people should remain together . Of course I think about my Dad everyday but today especially as it's Father's Day. And I thank the Lord everyday for my Dad , I would not have wanted another .

I hope you all made the time to tell your Dad how much he means to you and how happy you all are to have a Dad . I'm happy because I know my Dad is fine and is somewhere far away sitting back enjoying a nice action movie with a nice warm cup of tea , surrounded by his beloved books doing all the things he wants to do to make him happy.

Dad's are special , sometimes it's difficult to explain all the things we look out for from our fathers but just knowing they are there is comforting just like it is is with Mum's .Our Parents a special gift to us from God and remember he always chooses just the right ones for us , no matter sometimes when we think I'd rather have had someone else's folks . Have an awesome day and keep smiling . All you Dad's out there God Bless xx

Love & Peace

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