Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Cute Outfit Inspiration For The Day !

Happy Wednesday !

The news has only been about Harvey Weinstein and little else . The amount of celebrities coming out of the woodwork to declare his evil sexual overtures towards them . Why on earth have they not spoken out about this years ago ?? Even if people don't take you seriously keep talking about any sexual predator you encounter . Don't let how important they are , intimidate you .

These actresses obviously kept their mouth shut because they wanted money and fame ... I personally feel ashamed of Gywneth  Paltrow ,and somebody like Angelina Jolie talking about it now after so many years . You would think Angelina yeah she's a loud mouth who takes no shit from men ! I'm surprised at these women all keeping quiet , they obviously had an agenda in keeping quiet , and allowing this Man to assault more women indecently . These same women speaking out now about Weinstein are aware that he donated to the Clinton Foundation during the Clinton Campaign for Presidency , knowing fully well he is a sexual predator . Clinton took the money , took almost a week to condemn Weinstein but only via someone and I doubt she will ever return his dirty money. Absolutely appalling behaviour from all these women and no surprise from Clinton , she lives with a predator who has had more than 18 plus women who have accused him of sexual overtures . She has not divorced him, but continues to share her life with Bill . I actually dislike all that Hillary stands  for ,she's an appalling example to women . I'm so glad she never became President a corrupt , shrewd , ruthless women with money and power only on her mind . There is no Love and Peace in any of her daily thoughts , I'm sure . 

Today look into your life feel strong , never let anyone intimidate you . Speak out about anything , don't feel you need to be careful and shush your soul . Be a strong person , money is nice I love it myself but don't allow yourself to be sold into becoming a bad person by allowing a rotten person to yield power and glory !  I very strongly believe as Harvey Weinstein is not in-control of his sexual urges , these kind of people can never be cured , and will always be a danger to society . The best punishment is a quick castration and then yes he can move on and become a better person . Maybe we can forgive him , it's probably an incurable illness and needs to be treated medically !

An outfit for the day my inspiration , yes it's cute and sexy but it should never make you feel like you should not be sexy because some MAN can't control his sexual urges !

1 kimono trousers / 45 dollars /
2 bronze bralette / 10 dollars /
3 invisible pocket blazer / 26 euros /
4 platform sandals / 39 euros /
5 crystal watch / 10 dollars /
6 fringe cross bag / 70 dollars /
7 triangle earrings / 13 euros /

Enjoy the outfit and have an awesome day . Keep smiling !

Love & Peace

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