Friday, September 7, 2018

September Favourite White Wine Sangria With Fruit !!

Happy Friday !

The weekend is here , and what better way to celebrate than with some delicious home made Sangria . Make this cocktail drink in a large pitcher and store it in the fridge and enjoy all weekend .

I am a huge lover of white wine and this recipe gives you that along with fruit and all it's goodness .


One bottle of white wine ( your favourite Pinot or Reisling or anything you love )
One Mango
One large orange
A handful of strawberries ( 5 to 7 )
A few raspberries
Half a Glass of a liqueur ( like Cointreau )
A few mint leaves

Cut your mango up in small squares . Slice your orange and then cut it in half . Slice up the strawberries and raspberries  . Get your pitcher out open the bottle of wine and pour it in . Now add your half a glass of Cointreau . Put in all your cut up fruit and stir . Stick it in the fridge . When your ready to drink stir it again and pour into a glass with a few pieces of fruit and garnish with mint leaves . A white wine Sangria you will love and want every weeekend .

Image result for pictures of white wine sangria

Enjoy this with a bowl of nachos & guacamole or some nice hot chicken wings .

Words of wisdom for Friday :) 

Image result for quotes love

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

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