Thursday, November 8, 2018

November Tips .. Get Great Hair !

Happy Thursday!

Today on telly I watched the documentary on Prince Charles , his life long dedication to his work and conservation efforts . The Prince's Trust and the good work that has benefited young people all over the Country . Charles is turning 70 that is really old to still be waiting patiently for the job he has worked towards all his life . He seemed nice and pleasant and unbelievably funny . I could like him as my King if it wasn't for his awful 2nd wife . Camilla and him being all lovey dovey is annoying to see and personally I feel uncomfortable to think this woman who caused so much unhappiness in his first marriage when his children were young is now lapping up a comfortable and hugely high status . If she continued to be his mistress and kept a low profile and just kept him happy privately , I would have thought better about the whole situation . Right now I would rather He steps aside for William after serving for a very short time as Monarch like 6 months to a year . Right now I'm just so glad Her Majesty the Queen is still here and continuing her rule . Long live The Queen .
Anyways today my blog is about hair, having great hair is a dedication , we have got to work at it , to achieve it ! Here are a few tips !!

Hair is called our crowning glory and if there is one thing women love, its spending tons of money on hair products , shampoos , conditioners and anything basically which promises us lushes locks .
It does not cost the earth however if we decide to eat the right things which nourish our hair from the inside and give us the healthy hair we desire . Have you reached a certain age or just have the feeling that stress , lifestyle  is causing the  thinning of your locks ? Well I'm going to list all the right food you should be eating , to give you the hair you desire .
Hair requires a regular supply of protein , glucose , vitamins and minerals for health and growth . It is usually the first place to suffer if there is a deficiency !

Did you know eating Walnuts delays greying hair ? Walnuts are rich in body-boosting biotin , nourishing Vitamin E and naturally moisturising Omega Oils . They also contain small traces of copper . This mineral plays a role in the production of melanin , the pigment that gives hair colour . A lack of copper is the cause of hair greying prematurely , so topping up your levels with a handful of walnuts will delay many trips to the colourists .
Lack of Iron is the most common cause of thinning hair . If levels are low , hair becomes starved , the growth phase stops and shedding occurs . Lean red meat is the best source of iron but lentils are very good as well .

Eggs for bounce and elasticity is super . Eggs contain hair boosting nutrients , including protein and Vitamins D and B . Biotin supports keratin production  to increase hairs elasticity and strength . So if your locks are prone to breakage tuck into an omelette !!
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Oysters clear Dandruff . If you suffer a dry scalp, then the lack of zink is to blame . Zink helps maintain the function of the oil screating glands that surround hair follicles , so low levels can lead to dryness .Oysters , crab and lobster are the richest sources but pumpkin seeds are also excellent .
Porridge for Youth . Hair becomes more brittle and dull as we get older , and one of the reasons for this is falling silica levels . This mineral is important for helping to maintain hormonal balance . Oats are a wonderful source of silica . So why not eat a bowl of porridge every day .
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Peppers for split ends . Vitamin C protects hair from radical damage . It's important for sebum and collagen production . Dry hair and split ends are signs you are not getting enough Vitamin C . Red peppers are a rich source of Vitamin C and so is oranges , strawberries , tomatoes and broccoli .
I hope this helps you in eating the right type of food ,to nourish your hair and keep it looking good !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

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