Sunday, June 30, 2019

June Spotlight ... Skin Repair !

Happy Sunday !

Could not get enough of Glastonbury all weekend , just wish I was actually there but had to make do with watching it on telly ! Everyday was fun and Kylie today was brilliant ,as was Janet Jackson , Miley Cyrus and I wish I could just list all but the list is very long ! The weather was perfect .
We all love the sun , and given a choice we would like sunny weather all year , and that is why California , Florida places in Asia are such popular holiday destinations ! Year Round Sun !
Although , with the sun , comes the risk of long term Skin Damage ! The main types of skin damage is fine lines and wrinkles . Over time the sun's UV rays damages fibres in the skin called elastin . The fibres break down , and the skin begins to sag , stretch and loses it's ability to ping back into shape .

Discolouration of the skin . This manifests itself as brown freckles and patches of darker permanent pigmentation on the skin .
Broken blood vessels , prolonged exposure to the sun causes this , mainly it appears on the face , especially on the nose . It is harmless but it's ageing . Your skin will try to heal its self by increasing the blood supply to the sun damaged area , resulting in a proliferation of broken blood vessels !

Ways to repair this sun damage to your skin would begin with" Drinking " loads of water .It won't get rid of the wrinkles , but keeping your skin hydrated will improve the appearance of your skin .
Improve pigmentation : there are plenty of over the counter products that will improve your pigmentation and bleach brown spots . They are not often as strong as those supplied by a dermatologist but the results are still good .
Retinol , this cream can produce new collagen , but they cannot repair the elastin fibres .
Exfoliation , is a good way to remove dead skin build-up . A smoother surface will give a nice reflection of light , making skin look even and you can appear younger !
Eating foods high in Antioxidants . Cherries , walnuts and asparagus are all good sources of antioxidant melatonin , which protects the skin against UV radiation and stimulates new cell growth !

Have an awesome day and don't stop smiling :) Here's a quote I love , had to share :)

Image result for love quotes

Love & Peace

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lionesses Supreme .. But Men Still Superior ??

Happy Thursday !

Had an awesome day , even if today I decided my dinner date and I should be really cheap and eat at a fast food place . The burgers were good and so were the fries but I did leave more than half on my plate .. fast food is never going to be my thing ! Did have to rush home to see the Lionesses take on Norway ! What a surperb match enjoyed every minute . Well done England :) 3-0 is a fantastic result . World Cup Champions I'm predicting !
But this morning I read an interesting funny post and thought I'd share it . Although women want to be equal or more superior to men , I believe they are still failing at it .. Men are always going to ride the roost .. Well read on and enjoy !
A woman went out for shopping. At the cash counter, she opened her purse to pay.
The cashier noticed a TV remote in her purse.
He could not control his curiosity and asked,
"Do you always carry your TV remote with you?"
She replied " No. Not always, but my husband refused to accompany me to shopping today, as he has a football match to watch on the TV. So, I brought the TV remote."
*Moral: *Accompany and support your wife, in your own interests.*
*The story continues, please.*
The cashier laughed, but then withheld all the items the lady had purchased.
Shocked at this, she asked what he was doing.
He said, "Madam, your husband has blocked your card."
*MORAL: Always learn to respect your husband, please.*
*Story doesn't stop*.
Wife now took out her husband's credit card from her purse and swiped it. Unfortunately, he forgot to block his own card.
*Moral: Don't underestimate the wisdom of your WIFE.*
*Story doesn't end*.
After swiping, the machine indicated, 'ENTER THE PIN SENT TO YOUR MOBILE PHONE'.
*Moral: When a man tends to lose, the machine is smart enough to save him!*
*Story goes on.*
She smiled to herself and reached out for her husband's mobile she brought along with the TV remote so that he doesn't disturb her while she shopped. She has the PIN now. She bought what she wanted and returned home happily.
*Moral: Don't underestimate a desperate woman!*
*Read on further, please.*
On getting home, she found his car was not to be seen.
A note was pasted by him on the door, "Couldn't find the TV remote. Hence going out with the boys to watch the match. Will be home late. Call me on my phone (?) if you need something".
Damn. He took the house keys with him too!
*Moral*: *Never ever try to control your husband. You will be the loser, for sure and always *

That was funny .. Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June Favourite .. Delicious Chicken & Avocado Wrap !

Happy Tuesday !

As everyone celebrates this heatwave engulfing Europe , it makes us aware that climate change is a serious and real issue . I salute climate change protesters and the dedication they have . I am seriously wanting to do some protesting and push the issue of looking after this beautiful earth we call home . I have been waiting to hear more news about that disgraceful MP Mark Field who physically manhandled the female climate change protester who happened to be  at their lavish dinner party. She was dressed beautifully in a red party dress and to have him claim he didn't know if she was going to pose a threat is absurd . I'm glad it was reported the next day on the national news . I still feel a suspension is not good enough. He needs to be removed from his job as an MP. No matter what , I believe a man should never raise his hands on a woman . Nor should he ever be verbally abusive . Mark Field needs to go on an aggression therapy course . Although I believe those courses do not help , the person becomes generally more aggressive and resents having been called out . I do think public shaming is the best .. It could teach them in future to be better behaved . Greenpeace needs to get some burly men activists as well , I wonder if Mark Field would have readily pushed him up against the pillar grabbed him by the neck and dragged him anywhere !

Boris Johnson down to the final 2 candidates for Prime Minister , why am I not surprised ?? He should not even be considered as he's not in a stable relationship . He's dumped his wife of 25 years for some woman who he 's just had a huge bust up with in their house in the night when the police had to be called , just a few days ago. Yet he won't speak about the incident . In America a President is not considered if he's not in a proper marriage , and has scandal following him . Why would we even trust him ?

But for now as the weather is so boiling hot , we need to have some delicious quick and easy stuff to eat.
Here is a scrumptious recipe for a spicy chicken & avocado wraps!

1 chicken breast (approx 180g), thinly sliced at an angle
generous squeeze juice ½ lime
½ tsp mild chilli powder
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 tsp olive oil
2 seeded wraps
1 avocado, halved and stoned
1 roasted red pepper from a jar, sliced
a few sprigs coriander, chopped

1. Mix the chicken with the lime juice, chilli powder and garlic.
2. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan then fry the chicken for a couple of mins – it will cook very quickly so keep an eye on it. Meanwhile, warm the wraps following the pack instructions or, if you have a gas hob, heat them over the flame to slightly char them. Do not let them dry out or they are difficult to roll.
3. Squash half an avocado onto each wrap, add the peppers to the pan to warm them through then pile onto the wraps with the chicken, and sprinkle over the coriander. Roll up, cut in half and eat with your fingers.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Cheap Places To Visit For A Summer Break !

Happy Tuesday !

Tuesday being market day and nothing makes me happier , then going down to the local farmer's market and buying all the fruit and veg available, chillies , avocados , limes , bananas etc etc and being able to snap up some delicious fish as well .
Couldn't wait for the evening and the debate on the #BBCOurNextPM between the candidates . I'm surprised BoJo even turned up after backing out of the last two ! Someone asked me So who's your favourite ? Oh definitely the craggy faced joker looking dude he's the best out of a complete losing bunch . The person asked what about the egg face Oh God never ..I wonder even if he would have been considered if he didn't have the accent he had , lol .. Well besides that Sharon's eyes betrayed her words, as she told Keanu The baby is not yours ! I can't wait for Christmas this is going to be so exciting :) Come On Eastenders !!!
I look forward to tomorrow for a day of rest and relaxation but with summer now eventually here it's so hot and I don't feel rested or relaxed. The nights are warm and if you leave the window open, it's an open invitation for the mosquitoes, flies and all the creepy crawlies to make their way in, so it's all night smacking the mosquitoes and having very little sleep, lol. Now a lot of you must be busy planning a little break for the family. Most people's summer goal is to get away. From June to September it's most often peak season so a lot of destinations cost top dollar. Now all of you would be wondering where you could get good value for your dollar. The best places are generally based on a little break for a family of three to four. Which is standard families nowadays. Nobody could actually afford more than one child before you are bankrupt and literally homeless!

The cheapest places in the US is generally in the Southern States and the winner came out as New Orleans! Who doesn't love that place? I love it. the atmosphere, people, food, weather, and the night life above all else! The Big Easy boasted very affordable lunch prices of $31 a day. In contrast, the most expensive place was Orlando an average total trip would cost about $2,200 - double of what you would need in New Orleans!
Beautiful Atlanta came into the top ten cheapest cities at number 4. Making the list of cheap getaway cities at number 2 is Houston, Texas, also Dallas another affordable city made the grade at No. 5. Las Vegas was number 3, one of my favorite places too after San Diego. Where in my dreams I could live forever on the beach. The laid back people and the gorgeous weather & food. I love that place!

No. 6, Miami. No.7, Washington D.C. No. 8, Philadelphia. No. 9, San Diego. And at No. 10, Minneapolis.

So if you need a short break, go to the most affordable listed here and you wouldn't be making a mistake!

A quote I absolutely love and want to share with you guys

Have an awesome day and never stop smiling !

Love & Peace 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June Favourites .. Multipurpose Balms !

Happy Wednesday !

Had a lovely day out although the weather was shitty and it rained and it rained but actually I love the rain the down-side being my hair goes awfully curly with the rain .Did get soaked but nothing too bad it was a good day in good company that being only my opinion don't know if the other person enjoyed the company because it suddenly became too late and the other person had to go haha , sleep was calling apparently because sharing a last cigarette with me was impossible lol

Today the UK government announced that they would be cutting their green house gases to 0 emissions by 2050 .. Why does it have to be 2050 ??? I wonder how old Teresa May will be by then ?? Does she even care it's too far down the road , I too will probably be dead ! It's not good enough . Climate change is an issue where things need to be done NOW ! How does 2050 help while new roads and high ways are being built for yet more cars to pollute the atmosphere . A 4th runway is in the works for Heathrow even more planes in the sky destroying the quality of air . I want less cars on the streets and I don't even care for the electric ones . People need to use public transport more and it should be more affordable with better connections more so at weekends ( SUNDAYS ) in the Netherlands buses run only every two hours on Sundays, which is completely ridiculous , no wonder people want to own cars to get around quicker .  I have seen some houses where the family own 3/4 cars , there should be a law against that ! 

With changeable weather we need to always be taking care of our skin and more so as we get older . We need to look after our lips , our face , our elbows , knees , tummy, butt ,nobody wants a saggy, wrinkled  butt . The answer is a very clever product. A multi-purpose balm. There are a lot of different ones available on the shelf but sometimes it's impossible to pick one that's good for you without a recommendation. These multi-purpose balms can be used for your lips, cheeks, hands, knees, elbows- it's so clever. Here are five of my absolute favourites which I would recommend to anyone.

1. Antipodes Saviour Skin Balm at 23.19 pounds, it's gentle for everyday use. This skin balm is from an organic beauty brand. It can be used on cracked skin, grazes, sore muscles, and sunburn. Expensive, but worth it!

2. Givenchy Hydra Sparkling Magic Lip & Cheek Balm at 22 pounds. It's got a subtle pink tint that adapts to your natural skin tone and it's moisturizing skin formula keeps the skin bright, hydrated, and plumped.

3. Avene Xeracalm Balm at 18.50 pounds, if your skin is sensitive, or breaking out in rash then this is the balm for you. The thermal water infused formula replenishes the natural lipids in your skin, soothing irritation and redness.

4. Garnier Body Ultimate Blends Delicate Oat Milk Balm at 5.99 pounds. This is the cheapest but works brilliantly. Embedded with oat milk and white almond cream, this calming cream/balm strengthens weakened skin cells and relieves tension with its beautiful rich fragrance, perfect for the girl on a budget!

5. Roger & Gallet Rose Precious Restoring Balm costs 14.45 pounds. It cares for dry skin made from 95% natural ingredients. The balm doubles up as a moisturizer and it has such a wonderful fragrance to it.  It's definitely my winner and I am going to keep using this one!

Hope you like one of these and find the information useful . Have an awesome day and never stop smiling .

Love & Peace

Thursday, June 6, 2019

June Inspiration .. Getting Poetic !

Happy Thursday !

It's a grey day but hey I love Thursday's ever since I was a child so what if I feel a little annoyed about the day before not everything in life will go just the way you want it too . So since  I'm feeling so chirpy today thought I'd just pen a little poem about my crush . Life is short and if you have no one that loves you I guess it's just better to remember the things that make you smile !

My Crush , My Love I'm Not Yours !

Long limbed , athletic a vision of handsomeness I had only dreamed about , just walked into the bar !
My eyes twinkled , my crush was real no dream .. I knew who he was !
Violins played , sopranos sang the whole damn symphony in harmony
Butterflies fluttered and my heart raced .. Calm down shallow thought the night is young
The wine touched my lips , as I raised my glass
The crisp tangy notes tasted sweet
My tongue anticipated the touch of his mouth on mine
Our lips softly touching , fleetingly moving in full view of the revellers ..
His hand stroking my thigh , soft and gentle like warm rain falling on your skin
And cooling you down from the penetrating hot rays of the summer sun
My lover I am not yours !

Jolted back to reality, his eyes caught mine across the room
No denying mutual attraction
Those eyes I look into every week not whirlpools of blue , which I normally yearn
But beautiful brown gems which glittered and sparkled and shone just for me
Darling I am not yours  !

Handsome and strong those hands have laboured long hours
And when he lifted me in his arms , light as a feather I'm sure it felt not more than a bag of hay or a birthed calf
Cows out to pasture , fields of green , meadows of corn
A man of the outdoors
My farmer , my lover I am not yours !

I yearn your naked body touching mine , your hand brushing my soft hair off your lips as we lay embraced
Could it not be every night ? We lie and gaze and dream at wondrous images of future and family and years and years
But babe I am not yours !

My life has but a few years but yours has many many more miles to go
Winding crossroads made my soul stumble yours
I love you a little but honey I am not yours !

Hope you enjoyed reading this have an awesome day and never stop smiling . You have one life make it count .

Love & Peace !

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Happy June .. Sunflowers Can Teach Us Something !

Happy Tuesday !

The last two days have given us some brilliant warm weather and I have been enjoying every ray of sunshine. Not too bothered by the few showers of rain which can be glorious . Yes I think about the earth and the rain water that allows the crops to grow , the green grass that provides food for the farm animals . Nature at it's best . The flower beds watered and my sunflowers taken root and growing strong every day since the first seeds were sown .

Did you know sunflowers can teach us something really important in the way we interact with each other !
Sunflowers ðŸŒ» turn according to the position of the sun, in other words, they “chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that you probably do not know!
Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds?
It's an interesting question
Perhaps you would think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Is this what crossed your mind?
Well, that’s incorrect!
This is what actually happens !
*They turn towards each other to share their energy.🌻🌻*
Nature’s perfection is amazing; now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. We all want this light and seek it in different ways: We look for it from our family, friends, work and so on. But there are always going to be cloudy days, gloomy days, because there is no escaping them!
When this happens, most people become overwhelmed, low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones, some-times, become depressed.
How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers . Supporting and em-powering each other. Nature has so much to teach us.*
Wishing everyone a *"Sun flower"🌻* trait of turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days.
Spread goodness , it will come back to you . It's one of the laws of nature .

Have an awesome day and never stop smiling .

Love & Peace