Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June Favourite .. Delicious Chicken & Avocado Wrap !

Happy Tuesday !

As everyone celebrates this heatwave engulfing Europe , it makes us aware that climate change is a serious and real issue . I salute climate change protesters and the dedication they have . I am seriously wanting to do some protesting and push the issue of looking after this beautiful earth we call home . I have been waiting to hear more news about that disgraceful MP Mark Field who physically manhandled the female climate change protester who happened to be  at their lavish dinner party. She was dressed beautifully in a red party dress and to have him claim he didn't know if she was going to pose a threat is absurd . I'm glad it was reported the next day on the national news . I still feel a suspension is not good enough. He needs to be removed from his job as an MP. No matter what , I believe a man should never raise his hands on a woman . Nor should he ever be verbally abusive . Mark Field needs to go on an aggression therapy course . Although I believe those courses do not help , the person becomes generally more aggressive and resents having been called out . I do think public shaming is the best .. It could teach them in future to be better behaved . Greenpeace needs to get some burly men activists as well , I wonder if Mark Field would have readily pushed him up against the pillar grabbed him by the neck and dragged him anywhere !

Boris Johnson down to the final 2 candidates for Prime Minister , why am I not surprised ?? He should not even be considered as he's not in a stable relationship . He's dumped his wife of 25 years for some woman who he 's just had a huge bust up with in their house in the night when the police had to be called , just a few days ago. Yet he won't speak about the incident . In America a President is not considered if he's not in a proper marriage , and has scandal following him . Why would we even trust him ?

But for now as the weather is so boiling hot , we need to have some delicious quick and easy stuff to eat.
Here is a scrumptious recipe for a spicy chicken & avocado wraps!

1 chicken breast (approx 180g), thinly sliced at an angle
generous squeeze juice ½ lime
½ tsp mild chilli powder
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 tsp olive oil
2 seeded wraps
1 avocado, halved and stoned
1 roasted red pepper from a jar, sliced
a few sprigs coriander, chopped

1. Mix the chicken with the lime juice, chilli powder and garlic.
2. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan then fry the chicken for a couple of mins – it will cook very quickly so keep an eye on it. Meanwhile, warm the wraps following the pack instructions or, if you have a gas hob, heat them over the flame to slightly char them. Do not let them dry out or they are difficult to roll.
3. Squash half an avocado onto each wrap, add the peppers to the pan to warm them through then pile onto the wraps with the chicken, and sprinkle over the coriander. Roll up, cut in half and eat with your fingers.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace

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