Thursday, July 25, 2019

July Advice .. Forgiveness !

Happy Thursday !

Today I came upon an interesting post on Facebook .. It said "Stop holding on to people who don't care about you . It's okay to be alone until God sends you the right people ..Amen " As a Catholic I absolutely don't agree with that post .  In the first place we must wonder why God has put these people in our life ?  There is a reason ! There is always a reason ! And we must accept them in our life . If they don't care about us , we must show them we care about them . No matter how many times they hurt us and our feelings , we are ready to forgive . We need to be the bigger person . We don't need to quit , we don't need to be alone .. Loneliness is the biggest killer . We are social people and need to be together , love each other be friendly .. That means no smiling with your eyes at other women  but a cool  hallo should surface . 

The right people almost never appear until you have shown how much forgiveness you have to give . That is why the saying "In time things will happen " If we work through our rough patches and peoples bad attitudes towards us ,we will get rewarded . If not in this life but in the next .  Ever wondered why there are such fortunate people in this world ?They have worked hard at forgiveness and have come back 10.000 times more blessed .  I am always and everyday working at forgiveness . I wanted to go out and get myself something today, I was getting a ride in a car but my eldest daughter wanted to go as well , I didn't want to go with her .. I said You go in the car and I will stay home . I heard a lot of verbal abuse because the person did not want to take her alone only with me . In the end I didn't go and she didn't go waste of the car being at home . She made things difficult , I found no reason her wanting to go at all , since she always makes a big fuss saying the smaller ones can't be left alone they are 12 and 13 . I was not leaving them alone today in this extreme heat  . So I was willing to stay with them . I find my eldest daughter is here on this planet to make my life difficult , but I don't bother I still love her with all my heart and cook her her favourite food . Would not let anyone say anything bad about her and I'm her number one champion . She's 23 and I let her be who she is , sheÅ› still at home has never cooked food for us and I find her a pain but I suffer in silence , I can not and am not allowed to say anything .., I am a prisoner and I was married by her age .. But some things we need to bear with a smile .. The right moment will come and I will be free , maybe when my time is up on this earth , I shall be rewarded in the next with a better life , a good husband and a better eldest child . If it's not to be and I still have to pay I shall always try to be the best person I can be , this life or the next .. I have promised God !

Forgiveness towards others is very important . We cannot hang on to hate , it kills us slowly . Forgive everyday and don't be alone , God won't send you the right people until you can live with those who have been given to you .

Have an awesome day and never stop smiling .

Love & Peace

Love & Peace !

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