Monday, January 25, 2016

Experiment , Do People Care ...

Good Morning everybody , hope your weekend was fun , exciting and peaceful however contridictry it sounds . We all need peace to break up any stressful situations .
There has been so much snow over in the USA and I have been watching it all over the news . Everyone keep safe , but build all those extra snowmen for me ... love them !!
These past few weeks I have thought about doing an experiment , maybe you all have thought about doing one yourself ! Ever thought if you were in a really bad situation and you had no money , no home , nothing lost everything ... how many of your so called friends would be there to help you !
Alot of people think I have alot of friends and someone would be kind and step up . So I decided  ,  to ask Four different people as an experiment to see how willing they would be to help me and believe me ALL Four ,Who I thought Would , just ignored my messages and never responded . YES That´s the kind of world we live in. No one would ever think of helping a friend leave alone do a good deed to strangers . One actually responded but it was immediately to say No he can´t help and put up somebody I knew in his house for a few weeks . I put out four different requests to see if people respond differently .
To one childhood friend I put out a resquest  for a loan of money . I never received a response . To another I asked if my friend could stay for a few weeks . It was immediately refused . To another I asked if my kids and I could stay for 12 weeks , we could feed ourselves only a question of a roof over our heads . No reply back . The last was a request if someone could help me with moving alot of stuff as I was moving home .. Never heard heard back from him , lol ...
People are not here to help anyone and my little experiment just proved people are not anymore the way they used to be more helpful in years gone by . The world has become selfish and you know what , each individual person is helping the world to grow more ugly everyday !
I remember growing up , even though we never had a huge house but we regularly had people who we gave shelter to for a few days , weeks . You know what we got back , BLESSINGS from God !
So that was the experience of my little experiment ! Would you think of doing something good for someone !
My Question Marks on this shit laptop is not working ,lol ,, so ignore the lack of puncuation in the right places .
I shall end here , hoping you are having an awesome day and don´t forget to be an awesome person as well !
Just a little note before I conclude , how come the next generation is growing up so crass ! Maybe they are influenced by all the stupid people in this world ! I read a little post on FB the other day and a friend´s daughter told her she´s an ugly person because she refused to let her daughter turn on the fan ! The world is in alot of trouble from where I´m standing . We all need to start being better people .
Keep smiling !!

Love and Peace !

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