Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Do Good Always and Inspire People :)

Happy Tuesday!

It's a beautiful day and I feel very blessed everyday.. it's just a shame that we live in a world full of jealous envious people. My goal in life is peace & love and helping everyone do better in life. Unfortunately this is met with jealousy. In my last blog I spoke about hate, and how it was wrong of Obama to tweet that when there is so much trouble in the USA. Hate is wrong even if Nelson Mandela was promoting it. I had said this even on my Twitter account, hate is wrong and in this world at this moment we need no hate only love. Two women started giving me grief on it pulled a third party in, said I loved him and others, not relevant to anything and called me names. So I blocked them. Today afternoon she reported me to twitter and I have been restricted for 12 hours because in one tweet I called her a stupid bi**h. I had to delete that tweet. I have done that, and will be back on Twitter in 12 hours , a small inconvenience!

I will probably lock my twitter so if anyone wants to follow me for free horse racing tips or to get my motivational advice feel free. I love to inspire people and do good for this world. These two women are so nasty and still abuse me on their twitter feeds call me psycho, a faker, so petty like schoolgirls and jealous. I am not bothered. I always think about people who are popular incredibly there will be a lot of haters. See Donald Trump even famous people hate on him and say such nasty terrible things about him. It's disgusting to have hate and speak bad about others. No blessings from God is going to come to these people.

Please lead good lives. Look to inspire and uplift people everyday. Love everybody and treat everyone kindly.  Having a positive outlook on life leads to inspiration. Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.And most of all don't worry about those who talk behind your back , they're behind you for a reason.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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