Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kick The Tiredness !

Happy Tuesday !

Wouldn't we just love to wake up bursting with energy ? But if you are struggling to remember when was the last time that happened , well join the club . Seven out of ten people complain of feeling tired all the time . The constant feeling of fatigue is pretty much the norm .
There are a good number of reasons why this is happening , but I shall list five of the big ones ! Make a change and you could start feeling more energized and ready to take on the world .

1. You Are Not Getting Enough Sleep :  Sleep is simply not our priority anymore . Being able to survive on on four five hours sleep is often celebrated and thought to be enough , but it means our body does not have enough time to do important repairs and restoration . It is also important to ensure the sleep you get is good quality . That means commit to going to bed early two to three times a week . Don't have caffeine after 5 pm .remember it's important to switch off your phone & computer  an hour before bed to give your brain at least an hour to unwind .

2. You are Stressed or Anxious : Stress can be very draining ! Your tiredness can be due to the fact that you are under a lot of stress be it from work issues or personal life  . There is evidence to suggest that stress can often cause physical problems and even shorten your life span . Yoga , meditation , and breathing exercises can be practiced to keep stress and anxiety level low . Breathing exercises can be practiced for example on the commute to work  , if you just build it into your day , it can make a whole lot of difference to how you feel .

3. Your Body is Lacking Iron : An Iron deficiency is a common reason for women to feel lethargic . If you are feeling tired constantly ask your doctor to check your iron levels . If you fall short there are plenty of ways to turn the situation around . There are plenty of iron supplements around , and you could also add leafy green vegetables to your diet like spinach . Liver is also good to have , rich in iron .

4. You are drinking Alcohol to close to Your bed time : While a glass or two of wine can act as a good sedative , the quality of your sleep is seriously disrupted . Alcohol can affect the deeper part of your sleep REM , which means you are more likely to wake up in the middle of the night and be restless , dus not having a good nights rest , which does not have you feeling refreshed in the morning . The good news is you can still have that tipple , it's just when it gets to excess that the body suffers . Moderation is the best policy !

5. You are not Eating Enough Fruit and Vegetables : Many of us rely on processed food and refined carbohydrates , so we miss out on vital nutrients like B Vitamins , which give us energy . foods with alot of additives and preservatives are harder for the body to process , using up energy that could be directed elsewhere . You need to have five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day at the minimum to have a healthy balanced diet and feel energized and rested .

Hope you enjoyed reading this , and you get a good nights sleep every night . It also keeps you looking young , that saying "I need my beauty sleep "is not a joke . Have a wonderful day and keep smiling . till next time ...

Love & Peace !

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop

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