Monday, December 17, 2018

December Thoughts .. Good Decisions !

Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night
Wherever you are in your day I hope your smiling . Today's blog is a bit of general advice on relationships and good decisions . As the year almost comes to an end alot of people start making New Year resolutions . One of the key steps to happiness is independence and this comes when we are not reliant on someone else making us happy . Being dependant on another person , can disrupt our own happiness because if their mood or disposition becomes ugly then we get affected .
In other words I'm saying keep relationships light . In this day and age we have no pressing need for marriage . Marriage is a very big step and as much as women give it their 99% in most cases , a man will always be about 50% committed in all areas . Men do not take well to commitment long term , as good as their intentions are in the beginning it seldom lasts over 15 years especially if children are added to the equations . Children bring alot of stress with the growing years and need commitment from fathers and mothers together . If the two are not on the same page it can cause tensions , which are hard to overcome in the long term . My eldest caused alot of tension and it eventually was the root cause of a split . I was a firm parent and had rules to follow and my hubby was relaxed and didn't gave a hoot . So if I said something he did the opposite and obviously the child gravitates towards the parent who allows them to run riot and become a failure . The disagreements were many and love changed to hate and anger on both parts . I don't hold grudges and have tonnes of forgiveness in my heart and as much as I'd like a friendship without hate from him he is an angry unforgiving old man of 62 who still imagines he is handsome and young in his head still seeks the young victim .
By allowing the eldest to run riot she dotes on him and in return he controls her and has her eating out of his hand while I am the Bad mother as she shouts that regularly to me .  He is a controlling person and likes to feel in-charge ofcourse I am a strong independent woman who is not controlled by anyone but am Master to my own destiny.
Vulnerable young women fall prey to these kind of men , who pretend to be very eager to hear and help but all the time they are just helping themselves.
Marriage and children in these times are not to be risked as it is we live in times of great uncertainty . Not much work going around 0 hour contracts . Homelessness , the Gap between the Rich and Poor is enormous . Corporate Businesses  making multi-million pound bonuses to their bosses and lower down staff suffering below the poverty level . Can we even think of bringing children into this world ?? Absolutely not . Unless you happen to be very rich and successful it's always going to be a struggle . People don't have the opportunity to own their own home and more and more people at even 35 are still living with their elderly parents because of sudden circumstance .
Make decisions wisely , imagine you have a job and it's only you responsible for yourself . Your future would be so much better and your happiness would yours to command .
A quote I love on happiness :)

  Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. - Jim Rohn

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

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