Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blood SuperMoon ... Anything To Do With The Apocalypse , I Wonder ???

The Earth is set to experience a rare blood supermoon and lunar eclipse combo on 27 September. The supermoon total lunar eclipse comes about when a supermoon – which occurs when the moon reaches its closest point to the earth due to its elliptical orbit – coincides with the almost perfect alignment of the moon, earth and sun, with our planet blocking the light from the star in our solar system.
The moon will have a red tinge, and will appear brighter and 14% larger as a result of the perfect timing of the astronomical events.
However, as with many astronomical phenomena, an end-of-the-world prediction is accompanying the rare occurrence – there have only been five examples since the early 1900s when they came about every 18 years (1910, 1928, 1946, 1964, and 1982) until a 33-year break prior to the upcoming one at the end of September. I have only lived through one in 1982 , so bring it on .. I await with baited breath !!
The Blood Moon Prophecy was first predicted by Christian minister Mark Biltz in 2008 and then echoed by John Hagee in 2014, who said that the blood moon acts as a type of omen and originates from the Book of Joel, which reads: "The sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."
But it's not the first apocalyptic prediction. In fact, we have had to ignore nine since the turn of the decade. All of which were obviously wrong.
But why do we now prefer to ignore our better sense and be rational ? No we wholeheartedly agree that the world will end , it's all about uncertainty . When life is hard the Politicians become dictators , War is the only way they can make a point , peace is a language nobody understands . Homelessness , poverty is so common place people should be ashamed to say it can happen in the 21st century in a first world country ! So people clutch for straws and if someone jumps up and says it's a sign God is angry and it's going to be the end of the world , that would fit and people will clutch for it . Generally people who are having a hard time will tend to believe it more . And Yes , somewhere deep down  I believe something is going to happen ...what is it going to be ??? Yes something ( a comet , rock  whatever ) is  going to fly past the earth shortly , will it strike us  ..I think Not , but we should be so lucky if it does . This place needs a good old shake up and the rich need to feel a burst in their bubble . The only thing though we need to fear is fear itself !
Love & Peace !!

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