Sunday, September 13, 2015

We Have A Duty To Help < Where Is That , Generosity ??

Happy Sunday .. I thought I would share this wonderful piece with you .
Being a mother , protecting taking care of your children and doing your best for them is what we are put here on this earth for . We give birth to the next generation .. in this capitalist society , where there is the super rich and so much poverty side by side and nothing is being done to look after and help the people . Everyday someone new becomes homeless , and I worry it's me next .
What the hell is happening with this world ?? The attitude of people , what comes to mind is the words of Marie Antoinette wife  of Louis 16 th  and Queen of France who on the eve of the French Revolution uttered the words "let them eat cake "upon hearing the complaints from the peasants that there was not enough bread to go around . That is the extent of how this changing world is showing how much they value it's people . Maybe a revolution is what's needed after all !!
Whatever your worries there is a God , don't lose faith .. It's the human population I fear , who will give up having children , out of fear that we cannot afford to have the next generation !!
So what would you be left with , the offspring of the rich , who care more about taking selfies , and posting pics on instagram " self absorbed " posers with little brains ! A generation who would evolve to have one arm longer than the other , so no more a self stick would be necessary to get the perfect ONE :)
Every generation who has walked this earth has been on a quest  not only for survival , but for happiness , fulfillment , meaning and magic . That urge has not stopped with me , it is a part of my DNA and I am going to continue to be hopeful good things will happen soon for this crumbling society , who have lost  their way and  blindly follow the Masses .. but like I read somewhere , beware most of the time the  "M"is silent in MASSES !!!

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace !

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