Friday, September 11, 2015

Sun Damage And Skin Repair !!

Good Morning !! We all love the sun , and given a choice we would like sunny weather all year , and that is why California , Florida places in Asia are such popular holiday destinations ! Year Round Sun !
Although , with the sun , comes the risk of long term Skin Damage ! The main types of skin damage is fine lines and wrinkles . Over time the sun's UV rays damages fibres in the skin called elastin . The fibres break down , and the skin begins to sag , stretch and loses it's ability to ping back into shape .

Discolouration of the skin . This manifests itself as brown freckles and patches of darker permanent pigmentation on the skin .
Broken blood vessels , prolonged exposure to the sun causes this , mainly it appears on the face , especially on the nose . It is harmless but it's ageing . Your skin will try to heal its self by increasing the blood supply to the sun damaged area , resulting in a proliferation of broken blood vessels !

Ways to repair this sun damage to your skin would begin with" Drinking " loads of water .It won't get rid of the wrinkles , but keeping your skin hydrated will improve the appearance of your skin .
Improve pigmentation : there are plenty of over the counter products that will improve your pigmentation and bleach brown spots . They are not often as strong as those supplied by a dermatologist but the results are still good .
Retinol , this cream can produce new collagen , but they cannot repair the elastin fibres .
Exfoliation , is a good way to remove dead skin build-up . A smoother surface will give a nice reflection of light , making skin look even and you can appear younger !
Eating foods high in Antioxidants . Cherries , walnuts and asparagus are all good sources of antioxidant melatonin , which protects the skin against UV radiation and stimulates new cell growth !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling xx

Love & Peace

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