Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day.. Looking for Mr. Right??

It's Valentine's day! Is it a day I love?. No!

Why do we have this one dreadful day where everyone is loved up... Actually, not everyone is loved up, people in relationships hit stalemate a lot of the times and go along with staying together and playing happy because it's safe.

Valentine's Day is different because we suddenly become more aware of how alone we are in this world.

This Valentine's Day I realised I am close to becoming a year older and being a single parent to my children is not what I want. So how different is it to find a date? VERY!

Does Valentine's Day become an issue when it means all I'm thinking about is finding Mr Right.

Valentine's day is a reminder that people we care about care about us in return. So I wished everyone of my friends a happy Valentine's Day. Because without friends, the world would be a sad and lonely place. Friends of the good old days of yester-year. Friends now mean little more than a social network group to give you likes, to give comments on posts. But beggars can't be choosers and even if the network of friends is small - it's better than none!

As I get even more busy trying to find this Mr Right to have a life together and share the good times with and talk over tough times and have a companion to love, to take walks together, go to the movies with, maybe a concert. To cook up a great meal for somebody who will appreciate all the care and attention. But what are the right answers when you have to fill up these forms on dating websites. Do you get completely honest or do you gloss over everything? I happen to be a very honest person and a question was put to me, ''What would be a deal breaker in a relationship?'' For me, honestly, it would be a person with pets. No, I don't want to be in a house shared with cats or dogs. One cat might be okay, but no it's not for me. A question like: ''Name three things you are thankful for?'' and it threw me for six. Because other than having my three children in my life, not another thing comes to mind that I am thankful for. I wish I could say that I have my Mum around but I am deeply sad she is not here. My Dad is but he never cared or showed any interest in me or my children so if he's still here or not I don't care, actually. There is nothing in my life other than my children can I say that I am thankful for. I don't have anyone who cares about me, I am not in a place I want to be or thought I would be in at this point of my life. It's all a big disappointment but I can only hope that things change and the outlook gets better as I age!

Being attractive is not a ''golden'' ticket to finding a mate. People often assume you already have someone - I don't!

So anyone who is interested in finding a serious soul mate in a beautiful woman who knows her mind and speaks only the truth. Is intensely loyal, compassionate, and 100% awesome, Get in touch with me. Leave a comment, message me - anything. You must be from the UK - Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland. Not trekking anywhere else - sorry! I am too old for that. Must be minimum 40, I am not interested in someone ''too young, looking for fun.''

Enjoy your Valentine's day and keep smiling, life always gets harder 'till the day before you're dead! haha.

Keep the faith!

Love & Peace!

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