Sunday, October 4, 2015

Telly News On Sunday , ONLY BAD STUFF !!!

Happy Sunday !! If it was a happy day for you . Every day is a different day and brings us new joys , anxiety , boredom , anger and many more emotions . It would be a dull day if every day was the same and we never experienced stupid people , ahem ahem our PM says he would readily push the button for a nuclear missile , if necessary . That is not only foolish but it would put the whole country in danger , because of course " retaliation " is not a word he's heard off , possibly !! Oh and all the money he would keep investing into drones to kill and take more lives makes this country vulnerable , but of course people are war hungry , and don't want to advocate peace and then they wonder  why we face so many hazards and potential threats . Give peace a chance .. Stop Wars and concentrate on the betterment and the uplifting of the citizens spirits !
All the news on telly today was abuzz with demonstrations , threats of riots against cuts by the government ( imagine that's the news on a Sunday  !! ) I can remember Sundays being peaceful , years ago and they could not even find proper news because it was Sunday ,and so they had a very short edition ! Peaceful days of long ago ! And yet I wonder WHY people continue to have children in this wretched , horrid world , with no love , and kindness for anyone .. Greed , Corruption and Politicians seem to be the order of the day ,everyday ...oh so agonizing , will hate ever stop pouring out of everyone's pores anytime soon ? The good news is everything is a cycle and GOOD will come back and that's why we have just elected a Labour Leader in the form of Jeremy Corban . He is what this Country needs , old school needs a return , peace is what he knew as a child and wants it for today's young people, who know nothing more than Wars , poverty and Bad Stuff ! On Question Time the other night I could not believe people were so against Jeremy Corban's decision that he would never push the button to activate a nuclear missile . I think it's a very clever man who has the best interests of his country at heart who doesn't want to put his people at risk . I love Jeremy Corban . I just wish he was a bit younger , how old will he be at the next elections, which seems like still a century to go with the Tory's dragging us down ! Oh what a long , long miserable road for everyone, who's not blessed with tons of money !
Hope your week is good and the TV stations starts giving us more joyful stories . Can the world change ? I often dream a portal will open and we will be transported into another dimension with so much good overflowing , with people that actually like each other , no matter what the colour of their skin , race or economic standing . But that's because I'm a sci-fi fan but then again it  might just happen  , fingers crossed :) HHmmm ,maybe the aliens have landed , Isn't everyone so afraid of the Russians and Putin , lol maybe he's the alien from another planet wanting to take over the world ;) 
On that note , goodnight and keep  smiling ... Peace and Love will  prevail :)

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