Thursday, April 21, 2016

Congratulations, Queen Elizabeth - 90 Years Young!

The Queen is 90 YEARS YOUNG. Happy Birthday, Your Majesty - Long Live The Queen!

Today, our longest reigning Monarch turned 90 years young and the whole of the UK celebrated. We are greatly honoured to live under the reign of this dedicated, hard working, gracious Queen who takes her role so seriously as Head of State and Queen of the Commonwealth. With her long, happy marriage to the ever charming, handsome Prince Philip - she is definitely an example to her grand-children and great grand children who are so fortunate to know their loving gran!

Today, as I watched all the specials of her on telly, I never saw her smiling as much as I did today. She is adorable and has the sweetest smile. Her father, King George, would be so proud of his daughter who has served the people of Great Britain so devotedly and tirelessly over so many years!

The words of Prince Charles in a documentary about The Queen which he took from Shakespeare in his tribute for his mother are beautiful. And if none have heard them, let me share it here for you.

Edited Passage from ''Henry VIII''
It's from Act 5, Scene 5:

''Let me speak, Sir. For Heaven now bids me, and the words I utter. Let none think flattery, for they'll find 'em truth.''
''She shall be, an aged Princess. Many days shall see her, and yet, no day without a deed to crown it.''

Prince Charles's eloquent voice in the personally chosen reading is special and an unusual birthday gift for his mother which will be broadcast on the BBC Radio 4's Today Show.

Have a very happy birthday, Ma'am. We all love you!

Keep smiling, and maybe we will be as fit and active at 90 as our lovely Monarch.

God Save The Queen!

Love & Peace.

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