Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Breastfeeding, Sneakers, and Advice

Happy Wednesday,

The weather has still not improved and parts of England even had some snow fall. So all the talk about global warming is best ignored. Today a short piece about breastfeeding. It's the best thing you can give to your baby. Mother's milk is nutritious, but if you can't breastfeed your baby, don't feel too guilty because in my humble opinion-- with all the junk food around and alcohol, I don't believe mother's are making the best milk. And if you have to open a can of milk for your baby it's going to have exactly all the vitamins and nutrition  your baby needs. On to another thing, it seems to be a trophy opportunity for mother's to put up photos breast feeding their babies. I have no problems seeing mothers feed their babies but on social media please don't show me your breast ,feeding your baby. Keep it private. My mother breast fed me 'till I was seven but there is not one photo to see of it. Don't turn your child into a trophy on your breast. If you want people to see your breast just post a picture of it , don't turn your baby into an accessory. Thank you.

Here are my sneaker recommendations. They are ideal for a Spring walk. Hope you like them!

1. Converse Seasonal / 38 pounds /
2. Puma trainers / 78 pounds /
3. White hi-top sneakers / 10 dollars /
4. Keds Wool sneakers / 35 dollars /
5. Converse Andy Warhol Trainers / 35 pounds /
6. Vans Winston Sneaker / 45 dollars /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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