Thursday, April 6, 2017

Dessert.. Rice Pudding With Pears!

Happy Thursday!

I love a tasty rice pudding, and with honey roasted pears it's super delicious. A change to the ordinary rice pudding, which could be boring for the palate! Thought I would share with you all. This scrumptious recipe to warm up your taste buds on your birthday. Desserts are more delicious on your birthday, lol.. I don't know if that's only me :)

600 ml whole milk
4 pears
30gms butter
175 gms risotto rice
A good splash of cognac , white rum or white wine
4 tbsps of runny honey
1/2 a  vanilla pod
A pinch of cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 200 C or Gas 6. Scrape the vanilla seeds from the pod, then place the seeds pod and milk into a pan. Let it simmer over a low heat until the milk is warm. Turn of the heat and leave it to infuse. Meanwhile roast the pears in the oven for about 20 minutes till they are tender. While the pears are roasting, melt butter in a pan add the rice and toast shaking occasionally. Add the splash of alcohol now and let the rice absorb it. Start ladling in the vanilla milk stirring frequently until most of it is absorbed by the rice. The rice should be creamy with a bit of a bite and it would take around 25 minutes to be perfect. Swirl in 2/ 3 tbsps of honey at the end of cooking and the pinch of cinnamon. Add more honey if necessary.
Divide the pudding between 4 bowls, peel the roasted pears and pop them on  top.  Finish with a drizzle of  honey and cinnamon. It's ready to serve and eat. Enjoy!

Bon Appetite. Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.


  1. This sounds so yummy---and healthy at that!

  2. Aqui no Brasil tem algo parecido chamado arroz doce, muito bom!
